One more...I did this as a quick test render and really liked the results. Please visit the gallery image if you're interested on what was used to create the render.
I was asked to do a cartoon/stylized character and decided to finally try out my recent purchase of cartoonized for genesis 8 females. I ran this test and I can see why people say playing with the morphs for cartoonizing character's is addictive. In addition to using Genesis 8 as a base, I dialed in some Aiko 8 and Girl 8. I also tried out Rose hair and Altern8. I'm very happy with how the test render turned out so I will finish up a completed one, hopefully this weekend.
I've looked at that morph package myself. It looks like a lot of fun. Now there's one for the boys, too.
- Might be fun to make cartoon versions of book characters, eh? How about taking some of your serious characters and cartoonizing them? That otta be lots of fun.
I've looked at that morph package myself. It looks like a lot of fun. Now there's one for the boys, too.
- Might be fun to make cartoon versions of book characters, eh? How about taking some of your serious characters and cartoonizing them? That otta be lots of fun.
Hmm, do you have any monsters by Josh Crocket...
Thank you @dracorn for stopping by! I was thinking exactly the same thing...taking my serious characters and cartoonizing them. And yes, I have some monsters from Josh Crockett, not many but I will try cartoonizing some of them.
Just poppin' in to say hi and want to see more goodies from you. Love your renders! I have the cartoonized product but haven't used it yet. Have you done any more of them?
One more...I did this as a quick test render and really liked the results. Please visit the gallery image if you're interested on what was used to create the render.
Just poppin' in to say hi and want to see more goodies from you. Love your renders! I have the cartoonized product but haven't used it yet. Have you done any more of them?
Hi Cathie! Thank you for stopping by. I do have some more that I did, I'll try to post them this weekend. Day job for the past couple of months has consumed most of my time and I haven't been very active with rendering new images.
One more...I did this as a quick test render and really liked the results. Please visit the gallery image if you're interested on what was used to create the render.
This looks so very real!
Thank you @Worlds_Edge! I don't usually print my renders/art but I Iiked this one so much that I had it printed as a metal photo and hung it up at work.
I really like @PedroFurtadoArts cartoonize products. This spec/draft render was done last year for a client using cartoonize for guys. This particular image wasn't accepted but they liked the character enough to want other art done featuring them. I've attached the no post-worked and the post-worked image.
I decided to purchase both Caryn and Tobyn, Genesis 8 babies. I have mixed feelings about them, which seems to be echoed in "The Common's" forum thread. I think they are usable (and worth keeping) when used with morphs and other materials for Genesis 8. The following image was created using the Caryn base, Rarestone's morphs and Zev0's Lilly materials. I'll be testing Tobyn next.
I haven't been purchasing much this time around for the PA sale. Don't get me wrong, there are some things I really like but I have so much stuff, I really need to render. So, I'm doing my best to avoid any new purchases except for scripts and environments. With that being said, I couldn't ignore Silas. He's so pretty (Yeah, I know guys don't like to be called pretty) so I went ahead and purchased him for my runtime. Here's a test render of him. I am working on full render that I will put in my gallery hopefully this upcoming week.
I couldn't wait until the weekend to test render the new Smilodon by Alessandro. It's as awesome as it appears and it was easy to render. My computer did not get bogged down like it usually does with hairy things. View the gallery image to see the complete list of items used in the render.
New render using the amazing UltraScenery and the addon ecololgy, Mossy Hollow. Daisy 8 also makes her debut in this render. You can view the image at my gallery for a complete list of products used. I think the full-size image looks the best for this render.
I used RiverSoft Art's 3Delight to Iray script to convert DigiVault Stardomes materials into Iray and added emissions to the materials. It resulted in the below image. If you're interested in what was used in the image, please visit my gallery page.
Thank you for visiting and let me know what you think.
I am having an awesome time rendering different landscape scenes using Ultrascenery. I have a recent image in my gallery I created using a custom heightmap. I also decided to share one using the base settings of the script and Orestes HDRI from their Vega System package. Let me know what you think!
Happy New Year, everyone! Here is another scene using UltraScenery. I also used Orestes' Fantasy Moon HDRI and Kindred Arts' Mega Terrain: Winter Edition. My goal was to create an image of a moonrise over a mid-elevation terrain with snow-capped mountains in the background and trees covered in fall foliage in the foreground. I added light fog for some atmosphere.
One more...I did this as a quick test render and really liked the results. Please visit the gallery image if you're interested on what was used to create the render.
I was asked to do a cartoon/stylized character and decided to finally try out my recent purchase of cartoonized for genesis 8 females. I ran this test and I can see why people say playing with the morphs for cartoonizing character's is addictive.
In addition to using Genesis 8 as a base, I dialed in some Aiko 8 and Girl 8. I also tried out Rose hair and Altern8. I'm very happy with how the test render turned out so I will finish up a completed one, hopefully this weekend.
I've looked at that morph package myself. It looks like a lot of fun. Now there's one for the boys, too.
- Might be fun to make cartoon versions of book characters, eh? How about taking some of your serious characters and cartoonizing them? That otta be lots of fun.
Hmm, do you have any monsters by Josh Crocket...
Thank you @dracorn for stopping by! I was thinking exactly the same thing...taking my serious characters and cartoonizing them. And yes, I have some monsters from Josh Crockett, not many but I will try cartoonizing some of them.
Hey Trish,
Just poppin' in to say hi and want to see more goodies from you. Love your renders! I have the cartoonized product but haven't used it yet. Have you done any more of them?
This looks so very real!
Hi Cathie! Thank you for stopping by. I do have some more that I did, I'll try to post them this weekend. Day job for the past couple of months has consumed most of my time and I haven't been very active with rendering new images.
Thank you @Worlds_Edge! I don't usually print my renders/art but I Iiked this one so much that I had it printed as a metal photo and hung it up at work.
Hi @Novica and @dracorn
I really like @PedroFurtadoArts cartoonize products. This spec/draft render was done last year for a client using cartoonize for guys. This particular image wasn't accepted but they liked the character enough to want other art done featuring them. I've attached the no post-worked and the post-worked image.
I like both of them :)
Thank you. Glad you like them!
One more cartoonized image using Josh Crockett's troll. Thank you for visiting!
I decided to purchase both Caryn and Tobyn, Genesis 8 babies. I have mixed feelings about them, which seems to be echoed in "The Common's" forum thread. I think they are usable (and worth keeping) when used with morphs and other materials for Genesis 8. The following image was created using the Caryn base, Rarestone's morphs and Zev0's Lilly materials. I'll be testing Tobyn next.
I really love Gage for Tobyn. Darwin Mishap's skin materials are always top-notch. This image is of the Djinn version of Gage.
Happy Friday!
I recently tried out Hivewire 3D's mule deer with the red stag material and LAMH preset. I am very happy on how it turned out.
I haven't been purchasing much this time around for the PA sale. Don't get me wrong, there are some things I really like but I have so much stuff, I really need to render. So, I'm doing my best to avoid any new purchases except for scripts and environments. With that being said, I couldn't ignore Silas. He's so pretty (Yeah, I know guys don't like to be called pretty) so I went ahead and purchased him for my runtime. Here's a test render of him. I am working on full render that I will put in my gallery hopefully this upcoming week.
Thanks for visiting.
As i don't want to comment on every single item (too much of them). So, in genral great renders here @Stormlyght.
Thank you @SpaceVagabond for visiting. Glad you like the renders
Hi out there
Here is my most recent render using items purchased from the Daz and PA sales last year. Thank you for visiting and Happy Sunday!
P.S. Visit my gallery to see a complete list of the items used in the render.
I couldn't wait until the weekend to test render the new Smilodon by Alessandro. It's as awesome as it appears and it was easy to render. My computer did not get bogged down like it usually does with hairy things. View the gallery image to see the complete list of items used in the render.
Thanks for stopping by.
New render using the amazing UltraScenery and the addon ecololgy, Mossy Hollow. Daisy 8 also makes her debut in this render. You can view the image at my gallery for a complete list of products used. I think the full-size image looks the best for this render.
I decided to see how I could use some of my older 3Delight skies in an Iray render. I also wanted to try out some of my new Arki purchases (Dragon Empresses for Genesis 8 Female, Arki's Wings, and their partnered product with RiverSoft Art Materials Wizard).
I used RiverSoft Art's 3Delight to Iray script to convert DigiVault Stardomes materials into Iray and added emissions to the materials. It resulted in the below image. If you're interested in what was used in the image, please visit my gallery page.
Thank you for visiting and let me know what you think.
I am having an awesome time rendering different landscape scenes using Ultrascenery. I have a recent image in my gallery I created using a custom heightmap. I also decided to share one using the base settings of the script and Orestes HDRI from their Vega System package. Let me know what you think!
Happy New Year, everyone! Here is another scene using UltraScenery. I also used Orestes' Fantasy Moon HDRI and Kindred Arts' Mega Terrain: Winter Edition. My goal was to create an image of a moonrise over a mid-elevation terrain with snow-capped mountains in the background and trees covered in fall foliage in the foreground. I added light fog for some atmosphere.