Weird clothing idea

I have no time for animation right now, but I had an idea about clothing. Is this possible:
Option 1: Attach cloths to body and weight paint the whole thing. So including the clothing.
Option 2: Option 1 is not very good for Genesis, etc, because you loose the original weight painting, because you have to detach skeleton. So in this case, group Genesis with a skeleton. This skeleton has the clothes you want. Weight paint this creature. Yes, you have to copy the Genesis keyframes to the skeleton (NLA). You now have full control over the clothing. If the skelton moves more or less as Genesis is not important. It is about the cloths only. The skeleton moves the clothes. And clothes can move in the wind if a character is not moving. Maybe it could even work for hair. And with adding morphs you could even have more control and options.
HI Pjotter :)
Option 1: you can either build your figure with clothing (one simple mesh that looks like a clothed figure) or you can make a figure,. and separate clothing.
In Carrara,. if you create a model,. create some bones and attach them,. then make that into an animation Group,.,. then duplicate that bone rig and attach it to some clothing you've made for that figure,. make it an animation group,.
If you select the "Clothing" animation group,. you should see the option to "Fit to" where you can select your "main figure" animation group.,. and the clothing will follow that main figure.
just the same as working with a Studio / Poser figure.
If you model clothing in Carrara for Genesis / G2,. then you can export that as OBJ,. then import into Daz Studio and use the "transfer utility" to create clothing which will follow the figure,. and can be used in Studio or Carrara.
dynamic cloth is a different beastie,.
Hope it helps :)
just a quick crazy example ,. not well modelled or animated,. just fun.
Inside the Zip you'll find two versions of the scene,. one with keyframes,. one with an NLA clip for the figure animation
the main "figure" and it's "clothing" are both Animation groups,. the clothing is set to "Fit to" the figure.
the hot dog in a bun, jumps up and runs away.
Yes this did help. Thanks. I never thought this would be an option. But sometimes you have to think outside the box.
Thank you Andy, it's the answer to something which is in my head since always.
Thus, we can duplicate a skeleton already attached, good tip!
That would be cool if one could attach a soft body to this skeleton, never tried that...
Have a nice day both!