Problems with fractals when applying poses?
I've submitted a bug report but haven't heard anything. I'm using a MacBook Pro, OS Sierra10.12.4 and Daz Studio Pro I was using Lilith 6, had dressed her, added hair and props, then added a pose and rendered. There was a bug where fractals appeared and I thought it would dissappear when I rendered but it didn't. So I started fresh, opened a new Lilith 6, re-dressed her, etc. and rendered an image of the default character. Then I added a pose. The fractals appeared and I rendered it. So I used the Edit-undo to remove the pose and added a pose from a different pose file. Same thing, so it wasn't the original pose.
Has anyone had this problem? Does anyone know the solution?
Rose w xbow.jpg
883 x 706 - 381K
Image b4 pose.jpg
883 x 706 - 95K
Image after pose.jpg
883 x 706 - 95K
Image after 2nd pose.jpg
883 x 706 - 103K
What exactly do you mean by fractals? is a fairly old version now, it might be worth upating to the current version. If that doesn't help, what content is this?
Check the Mesh Resolution and Smoothing Modifier on the dress. For the Mesh Resolution try changing SubDivision Algorithym to Catmull-Clark (Legacy). For Smoothing try changing Smoothing Type to Generic.