YouTube videos - Gender Breakdown

I have about 13,000 views at Youtube, including all the videos, mostly short Carrara animations plus a few live action documentary type videos. The gender breakdown is about 90% male. The top live action videos (2 of the top 3) are "The Historic Galveston Pleasure Pier" (a straight doc about the amusement park), and "East Texas Dirt Track" (Ok, stock car racing is kind of a male thing, but there were lots of women there that night). The top animation is "Space Cadet Luther", with a boy protagonist but still just for kids. I've never felt like I intend my videos primarliy for men, so I'm curious - is 90% male typical?
For content sites created by Average Joes, yes. The Internet Famous get way more gender types.
i never ever log into google, so what gender does youtube see me as?
are females more likely to have google/youtube IDs than males? and use them?
Interesting stats you posted, thanks for raising my eyebrows and posing a good question to ponder!
Hmmm...interesting. My piddly little YouTube channel, with 4 subscribers ( shows 52% male and 48% female for viewing. It took me a while to even find that info, I never knew such statistics were being added up. For my own YouTube/Google account it looks like I "declined to state" my gender...
your website demo reel is pretty cool! what's your youtube channel URL? (note that only registered/logged in googleID users can subscribe, so don't take it too personally, having only 4 followers... the smart or paranoid users can't subscribe!)
to be clear - I use youtube all the time, I just never log in, and also never specify any real personal info (gender=other :) on most any internet medium. I wonder if they just assume statisticly that we 'anons' are divided in the same ratio as those who do register - and assume the registered users are being honest too... heh.
Hi mindsong, thanks for looking and the nice comment. :) Here is a link to the YouTube channel, it's mostly brief tests but there are a couple longer videos up there: