Coming soon - Mastering DAZ Studio Content Live Tutorial [Commercial]

We've had some calls for creating a tutorial for mastering DAZ content. This gives details of our live webinar session that'll be in late July. The recording will then be placed in the store shortly afterwards.
I would like you to comment if you feel there's something missing from our content outline below and we'll consider including your suggestions!
Can't make the live session? Register and we'll include the recording.
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Saturday 29th July
20:00 BST (London)/12:00 PDT (Los Angeles)/15:00 EDT (New York)
Includes Indexed HD Recording (premium registration)
In this webinar we'll cover....
The Difference between the DAZ Install Manager (DIM) and the Content Manager
The DIM and the DS Content Manager are meant to work in concert with each other, but when to use which and what about those local zipped files you have? Also, it's important to ensure that your Content Manager is looking where you expect for your content.
How to Set Up a Local Server
Local servers can free you from your desk or office. If you have two (or more) computers, it's frustrating to load content on all devices — especially if it's a laptop with limited disk space. Loading on a local server allows you the freedom to work where you like and use your other computer to render.
Loading Content with the DIM
The Daz Install Manager is a great tool, but it requires setup and monitoring else you may end up loading where your Content Manager can't find it.
Cataloguing with the Content Manager
Ever been making a scene and think, "all I need is a knife to complete this combat scene" and know you have one, somewhere, but a search for "knife" turns up nothing because the content creator called it a "dirk"? Now, where was that content with the dirk?
New in the Content Manager is the ability to organize your content where it makes sense to you. For example, the default folder for base characters is "People" and I prefer "Figures" because I like to store all base "figures" in the same location. A horse is a figure but will not reside in the "People" directory but it can in my Figure directory. We'll show you how you can create your own structure that makes sense to you and your workflow.
How to Create "In Folder" Instructions
All content comes with README files, that may, or may not be read, at least once. If you're like me, you might remember something "odd" about certain content pieces but I dislike having to leave my workflow to find the README, not to mention, I might not remember this was some quirk with this product.
And more!
- Duplicating/Backing up your categories for movement to other computers
- A word about "smart content" and "content library"
- How to include images of jpeg or png files in your categories
- How to include instructions within your categories
- What to do when things break
Presented by Seaghan Hancocks
For over 30 years, Seaghan has worked in the Film and Broadcast industry as Line Producer and worked with professional modellers/animators on such shows as Things You Need to Know with James May and Survivorman. He originally got interested in TV when he caught wind of a new series, Babylon 5 that was making the use of a Video Toaster farm which ran on the Amiga 2000 (a Personal Computer!) for rendering all their CG thinking "that looks fun!" and moved from the print/advertising industry. His intent was to get into animation and modelling, but this was not to be... yet.
Always and avid "real-world" model