Carrara and OpenGL

Is Carrara like DS that it requires OpenGL to run or is it more forgiving like Poser?


  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    I thnk some of the comments here might be pertinent:

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    Thanks!  It looks like I can open it on the old computer.  Just need to put cereal into it.  I mean serial number and start playing.

    Wonder if I can model cereal in it?   Wait that would be a lot of little items in a bowl with a milk plane and also a spoon.  Maybe make it a complete breakfast with a cup of juice and a piece of toaast or something?

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

     Maybe make it a complete breakfast  ...

    You know what goes well with bacon?   More bacon.  cheeky


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Carrara cereal number?  Wendy had it.  heart

  • Samuel S.Samuel S. Posts: 324

    Is Carrara like DS that it requires OpenGL to run or is it more forgiving like Poser?

    Carrara has both software and OpenGL render for real-time rendering like in a scene view or vertex modeling room.

    You can also view interactive rendering settings in Carrara to swith between software and openGL.

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