I reinstalled Carrara on new computer. Getting "An Error has occurred" when using it.

Hi everybody. I've changed computers and reinstalled Carrara 8 Pro there. (8.1). I need some help getting back up and running.
I'm finding many different DAZ folders all over, between DAZ Studio and Carrara. I worked on some things last night, and today all I get is "An Error has occurred" and the app locks up where I have to force quit.
I thought I linked to my previous runtime which I also copied onto the new computer, but when I launch Carrara, the typical scenes that populate in the content browser at the bottom do not appear.
What is the official path for these supporting files? And also for where new created files are supposed to go? I initially specified onto a separate hard drive which Carrara seems to ignore, so I think I need to uninstall and start again.
Thank you!
You should install the Carrara Native Content, too, to get the Carrara stuff into your browser. Your runtimes you have to add manually.
Newly created files can be saved on any location you like. External hard drive is okay (at least on Windows).
Don't uninstall and start again. Install the Carrara Native Content and then add your runtimes in the browser. The files you maybe saved from the scene into the content browser aren't located in the runtimes but you personal/user directories, which differ between Windows and Mac.
Mac. I thought I had stated that, my bad. Right now it has installed stuff under Shared, and also in Documents, although I had specified another hard drive location. Also some stuff with the app in applications folder. Somehow I think there was only supposed to be one...
What flavor of OS X are you using?
It's 10.6.8
I'm not exactly sure, but there was a recent version of OS X not supported in 8.1, but is in the beta. Not sure the version though.
As to the presets and Carrara native content, you should probably use the default paths. Some things that are included like Howie's Snow Scene requires an extra step or two if you're on a Mac. There should be documentation on this with the scene.
In a nutshell you need to control or right click on the application icon to bring up the contextual menu, then select Show Package Contents. A new finder window will open. Double click the Contents folder to open it, and then the Mac OS folder. Once that is open, you should see folders labeled Presets, Scenes etc. Follow the directions that came with the snow scene to place leaf and other elements in the correct folders. You may also have to do this with the 3D paint brush samples. Again, check the read me's for this info.
As to doing stuff and getting the error message and crash, we might need a bit more information, such as what you were doing. i.e. Editing a shader, working on a vertex model. Etc. etc.
Carrara 8.1.1 works fine in Snow Leopard. I partitioned a drive and loaded Snow Leopard on a Mac Mini that shipped with Lion and Carrara still works good. There are instances where you will get ERROR HAS OCCURRED message unexpectedly so save your work often. I've had that happen with large animation files and those files become unusable and corrupted. I've also encountered that importing some Poser files and random situations. There are also potential errors when you save and compress your Carrara files, so don't compress them. While this happens now and then it doesn't create a huge problem.
Here's where I store my purchased content on a Mac (Daz, Content Paradise, etc)
MacHD/Users/(yourname)/Documents/DAZ3D/Studio/My Library
At the Carrara 8 folder you can install your Carrara presets, shaders, scenes, etc
MacHD/Users/(yourname)/Documents/DAZ3D/Carrara 8/
You can also store other Carrara content here where your application is located
MacHD/Applications/Carrara 8/
I have disk doubler and another hard drive installed on my main computer a Macbook Pro. That drive has Mountain Lion and Carrara 8.5. I can point to my content directories on the other Snow Leopard drive and Carrara 8.5 can find the content through the browser window and my saved setting tabs.
You can back up your My Library directories on external hard drive and use your content straight from the external drive on a barebones Carrara installation on another machine that doesn't have the content, I've successfully done that.
Rendernode C8.1 works ok on a rendering machine running Mountain Lion
Carrara 8.1 on Mountain Lion does not. It will crash if you start using the menus.
I don't use Carrara 8.5 on Snow Leopard since it was crashing awhile back so maybe some other Mac users can confirm whether the latest beta works ok.