OK, where is it?

This Carrara 8.5 endless beta saga is wearing me down. I'm a busy guy and I need to create something fast. The last beta serial I can see anywhere expires Jan 2013. It is now March. No other versions of Carrara run in Mac OS 10.8, so I'm screwed without an 8.5 beta serial number.
Can anyone tell me where to locate an UP TO DATE one?? I need it in the next hour or I'm screwed.
http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/4700/ Bottom of the first post in the thread
here -
Thanks! Saved my ass :)
Was your donkey in jeopardy over this?
I thought this thread was going to be about The Millennium Cow!
Was your donkey in jeopardy over this?
no his ass !
and thats no bull s-----
Glad you got the serial!
It is a beta for a reason. Personally, I wouldn't trust a mission critical assignment to a beta (or even a 1.0 software). Unless there's a reason to rely on the beta (recent Mac OS X upgrade for instance) I would use the 8.1 production build. The only advantage of the beta (aside from the OS X issue) would be Genesis, and quite frankly, I'm not sure that's worth the risk of using the beta for a something that you need to save your donkey! ;-)
Glad you got the serial!
It is a beta for a reason. Personally, I wouldn't trust a mission critical assignment to a beta (or even a 1.0 software). Unless there's a reason to rely on the beta (recent Mac OS X upgrade for instance) I would use the 8.1 production build. The only advantage of the beta (aside from the OS X issue) would be Genesis, and quite frankly, I'm not sure that's worth the risk of using the beta for a something that you need to save your donkey! ;-)
I don't know, EP. I think the beta has a lot more going for it that just the inclusion of Genesis - which is huge...
But you are absolutely right that mission critical assignments should never be taken to a beta app ;)
I'll argue that point. You may consider genesis a huge asset to carrara. I think it is a major PITA that prevented carrara devs from fixing and updating more important features in carrara.
Yes genesis is the next step in premade figures, but how does it fix the F'ed up after effects lighting like glow and light cone? How does it effect softbody/bullet so we can have actual animated dynamic clothes? Genesis isn't even close to the top of my list for needed fixes and features in carrara. Being able to use genesis in carrara doesn't effect my scene building or animation, but other issues do.
I'll argue that point. You may consider genesis a huge asset to carrara. I think it is a major PITA that prevented carrara devs from fixing and updating more important features in carrara.
Yes genesis is the next step in premade figures, but how does it fix the F'ed up after effects lighting like glow and light cone? How does it effect softbody/bullet so we can have actual animated dynamic clothes? Genesis isn't even close to the top of my list for needed fixes and features in carrara. Being able to use genesis in carrara doesn't effect my scene building or animation, but other issues do.
coming next year :lol: