Setting scene with Default Camera or Perspective View Camera?
This puzzles me as by default my studio loads with the Default Camera and in the little Aux Window it has the Perspective view Camera.. Which one is the one to use for setting up the scene and render?
Perspective View is just that a view not a camera, aways render with a real virtual camera.
Perspective is usually better to use when setting up as it isn't tracked for Undo, so you can move the view around to assess a chnage and if you want to undo the change you don't have to step back though all the viewpoints. However, the perspective view also isn't saved between sessions so it isn't good for soemthing like the render view, which you presumaly wantt o keep available.
Thank you Richard, I think I keep on working with the default camera, it just puzzled me why it loaes with the default camera and has the perspective view in the aux window.
Fantastic, just what I needed to know.
Thank you so much.