Question about Vector Stye 2 f…
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Question about Vector Stye 2 for Carrara

I've got Carrara since over two years, but I haven't used it that much, mostly because I've been busy with DS and Vue. But I saw an opportunity if I could use the product in the title to render things from Carrara and it works well, and a possibility to maybe get some payback from all the gazillions I've spent on this truly expensive hobby ;-)
So, is it good, does the result look "good enough"? I'm not asking for "photo realistic", but more, forgive the expression "Powerpointish" look, but better of course (nothing looks as bad as powerpoints.
To get a handle on what Carrara can do, look here:
Then click on any of those gallery links to check out what people have been doing.
There's also the Carrara e-Zine, C3DE:
I've done some renders i Carrara so I know some if its capabilities, it's the Vector render plugin that I'm really interested in as I've seen where it can be very useful...
some examples here
Something to consider if you just want the clean graphic look of vector, but don't actually need the art in vector format, is yaToon or ToonPro.
I also discovered that rendering animation using VectorStyle actually makes BIGGER files than if you rendered a similar image with a toon renderer. At that point I decided there was not really a big advantage for rendering to vectors, at least for what I wanted to do.
Thanks, but it was the scalable vector that trigged my idea. Does it work in Carrara 8.5 Beta?
The reason I never really used Carrara was that 8.0 was so dreadful on Mac OS X, 8.5 has fixed many of those bugs.
Depending on what you need to do with the vector, it may be possible to trace it in Illustrator using a bitmap render and get better results.
The output from VectorStyle can have a lot of small segments, so the file size can actually be quite large and the edges may be jagged. You can still scale it up and it will be relatively better than scaling up an image, but if you are looking for nice smooth curves, you might not get that without overly simplifying (optimizing) the image.
Thanks, might give it s shot to see if it does what I want, if not there is always a 30 day DAZ grace time,
Hmm, doesn't show up under Carrara 8.5 -(, all the advance plugins are nicely updated though. Anyone knows or should I file a bug to get the answers?
Yes, it works in 8.5beta (at least the version I am using... .172)
Find the settings under EDIT --> VECTORSTYLE2 PREVIEW....
and the actual export under FILE --> EXPORT....
Thanks! I was looking under plugins to try to find where to enter the serial, it arrived when I first used this ;-)
Thanks again, now I will see if I can do something cool with it too!
/ Totte
The one who has most 3D programs and the biggest Runtime when he/she dies, wins!
One step closer!
Preview render worked, when I did Edit->Export I crashed, but it works so Now I need to figure out why it crashes.
OK, first test that worked ;-)
This can be fun!
YAY! cool... Any idea what the crash was about?
Yeah, my best guess, the scene had realistic scene lights (realistic sky), removed that, then it worked.
I just happen to have that set, my bad I guess.
Reported a bug, when saving after a render with VectorRender it says save failed, save another time and it works. Fun to be playing with Carrara again.
Gonna be modeling with it also, got some ideas to try.