macOs compatability

As I don't have the means to test Carrara on new versions of OS X I tend to be perpetually behind on OS X versions and due to other issues that is starting to become a problem (again). Currently I'm on 10.11.6 and Carrara 8.5 works great, but I'm hoping someone can tell me whether or not Carrara 8.5 works on newer versions.
It's fine on 10.12.5
I'm also running 10.12.5. It runs well, except for the issue with identifying missing textures. I started a thread on it in December.
Thanks! That helps a lot. You guys are awesome!
i am running 10.10.3 on a mac. afraid to upgrade. can anyone use two monitors? i cant among other issues which they refuse to address
I have two monitors, but Carrara can only use one. To be fair to the devs, I belive that this is more of a restriction of OS X than in Carrara. For example, in OS X if I drag a window so that it would span the monitors it will only display on one.
On a linux system with X11 a window can span both monitors. To be honest, that capability is sometimes rather aweful when an application insists on spawning as wide as it can. I'm pretty sure for X11 this is a window manager defined behavior so with the right window manager and configuration it would mimic OS X -- I've never cared enough to try changing it but I do recall in bygone ages when a particular login manager would put the login widgets squarely in the middle of the dual screen and thus split by the bezels. Very annoying.
What would be nice is the ability to undock palettes as separate windows. But if they aren't going to fix bugs there's no way they would add features.
My recommendation is to get a large wide screen monitor. That way you basically get the benefit of having two monitors. My main screen is a 5k display (built in to the iMac) with a lower resolution screen (I forget what) for the secondary. I do most of my work on the main screen with the secondary for shuffling windows to that I still want to see without taking up space on the main screen.
When I come to replace my iMac (let's see what the next gen Mac Pro brings . . .) I'm inclined to go for a 34" ultrawide. It's equivalent to two 27" iMacs side by side, and the curved version of that monitor is to die for (but bloody expensive too!)
I'm saving my pennies though.