Wishlist Related

Just a thought ...

1. It would be great it Daz added a drop down list or option to shop by resolution. Those looking for 2500 vs 4096 vs 8k and above. I would typically avoid older products but was surprised to see some at 3000, 3500 and 4096.
2. If the wishlist could be tagged or put within folders/albums for sorting purposes, eg: fairies vs robots vs tutorials or Daz 3d vs Carrara or by vendor or even just starred based on how bad we want them, would be something I'd love to see. It seems this might also help Daz Marketing anaysist(s) determine a more targeted market plan and encourage more wishlist usage. Some of the store products cannot be found easily because sometimes the name does not have a word in it that relates to the item.  I don't know about you guys but my wishlist could use a little organization.


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,138
    ArtAngel said:

    2. If the wishlist could be tagged or put within folders/albums for sorting purposes, eg: fairies vs robots vs tutorials or Daz 3d vs Carrara or by vendor or even just starred based on how bad we want them, would be something I'd love to see. 

    This is being worked on: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/2425586/#Comment_2425586

    Well, actually, it's done, but not released publicly yet.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,782

    Awesome! I currently do this through my server but not on the Daz site. Hope they add a tag column in their data base for the categories.

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