strange thing

hello!! as I manage a very complicated scene, I do parts of it separately, then import in the main scene... One of these partys is a lodge, with differents charcaters, which were exported from a rigged V4 or M4, then re imported in obj, and so on... I have changed the scale of the rigged puppets, then deleted them, and save with only the obj characters ... At the end, when impoirted that scene in the "main" scene, the obj "jump" at the initial size of the M4 and V4, ... As they are now obj, I can't understand why they do that!!!
there's some scaling tick boxes on import options. and export.
yes, with obj, but here the "little" scene was saved in .car, then imported in the "big" one... there are no options,I think when importing .car in .car...?
Maybe the scene scale was different when you saved the separate .CAR files and Carrara is doing some conversion? For example, if you had the characters in a Medium sized scene when you saved them and then loaded them into a Small sized scene, they might appear to come in at a giant size?
maybe the scene you saved was "small" and the scene you imported to was "medium" (or vice versa). In which case, something that was 12 feet in one will become 12 inches in the other (or vice versa)
In the scale dialog, you can leave the numbers the same but change "in" to "ft" (or the other way around) & that'll do the conversion without you having to work out the scale factor.