I more often than not pose figures and have to turn off limits. It can be done by sleceting th node and the selecting the parameters gear wheel and then deselecting the limits check box. Convoluted and time consuming and as far as I am aware this has to be done for every part of the figure you wish to pose beyond its limits. In older versions of DS you could right click on the Parameters tab and select limits deselct for the entire figure, easy, no messing. However this very simple and useful feature does not seem to work in DS4.9, unless there is another way that I have yet to discover.
There are many reasons for turning off limits and I wonder why the option has been removed, or if it is available still, how to do so...
Please help
Edit>Figure>Limits>Limits Off (rotation). The Limits submenu should also still be in the Parameters pane option menu.
Thank you Richard. Maybe its me but I have followed your path and the limits are still on. I have played around with the other options, and also with V4 as well G2F and while the limits sub menu is still available in the parameters pane, there does bnot appear to be any way ti turn limits off other than that way.
What am I missing?
Sorry to be a pain!
If I select the whole figure, that is everything and then turn limits off it seems to work. I assume that this is the way to go, certainly its less of a pain than doing it for each individual part of the figure. Is this correct?
I thought it was a setting for the whole figure, regardless of whether the figure or a bone was selected. If that isn't how it is working it may be a bug - please open a support ticket.
Not sure if this is what you're after, but if you want to turn limits off "for good," go to your preferences and in the Content tab, set the Pose/Shaping Preset Loading option to Always turn limits off (you might have to restart DS for this to take effect). Or if you're just applying a preset pose, you can control (command) click the pose and select limits off in the dialogue box.
If that's not what you're after, ignore me. :)
That only works if you're trying to load a figure which is already posed in a way that exceeds limits.
To do the entire figure, the only way I've found is to select everything in the figure (left click, "Expand all", then hold the shift key while right-clicking on the first and the last entries.) Then do the same in the parameters tab, and go to the pane option menu and set limits off.
Wait a few minutes while your computer thinks things over, and you have a limitless figure.
I wish there was an easier way, but I haven't found it yet. Whatever, Studio is free. It's the refills that are expensive...
Richard's instructions did not work for me. I had to expand and select all to turn off limits. Discovered that the poses included with the Toon Generations Genesis 8, for the baby, don't work with the limits on.
If I may bring this up again.
I am having the issue out of the blue with one of my Genesis 3 Female characters. Never had it before so something I installed must've changed it.
I tried above suggestion but NOTHING helped. Any other advice i can try maybe?
I pulled an older version of the model giving the issue, and there's no issue with the older model. SO it must be a morph or something on the newer model version causing this.