(Coming Soon) Retinue Room

The Retinue Room brings back the old classic look of swords, shields, and banners. The perfect set for dramatic backdrops. The torch flames can be turned on or off. The alter, bench and torches are separate body parts so they can visible or invisible, the sword/shield and banners are props so they can also be located as you like.
Post edited by Chohole on
Love this! Great renders too.
Love it!
Lara Croft going medieval, LOL Or better yet, a new movie Tomb Raider and the search for the Holy Grail, LOL
After Indy tried, please don't join the quest.
Terrible movie.
Nice room.
Looks modern, like it was a room when the castle was active....
Maybe an ancient texture?
I see the bone props...
Is that fog a promo thing or will there be some kind of atmosphere?