Carrara Galleries, inagoni replica and external rendering whew.....

petefpetef Posts: 47
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Hi, Lots of questions in one, trying to be green :-)

Have the Carrara gallery's been dropped or does anyone know if they'll come back, I'm hoping that its just a side effect of the new site.

Does anyone know if inagoni Replica works ok with C8.1, I've been away from Carrara for a while.

Lastly has anyone used successfully an external renderer with Carrara as I'm amusing (hoping) that V9 might have a better rendering engine.

Thanks for your time



  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited June 2012

    Dunno about Inagoni or the Gallery. I haven't heard about a new renderer for C9, but there has been talk of speed improvements. I have heard that Tugpsx plans on working on a Carrara exporter for Octane Render once he gets the DAZ Studio exporter for Octane finished. He's waiting on the release of 4.5 as there are some changes he's dealing with.

    Post edited by Kevin Sanderson on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    No Galleries are working at the moment. It was stated on the old site that they would be worked on later.

  • petefpetef Posts: 47
    edited December 1969


    The octane render looks very good and as a bonus it'll work with Modo, hmmm $99 or £64 for us Brits.. very tempting.

    I'm going to have a crack at getting some decent result with the native render, some renders I've seen are stunning but the vast
    majority look flat. the table and chairs pic is fantastic again wow.

    Thanks again.

  • petefpetef Posts: 47
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Chohole,

    I missed that, doh...


  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Replica works in C8.1 and C8.5beta.

  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited December 1969

    petef said:

    The octane render looks very good and as a bonus it'll work with Modo, hmmm $99 or £64 for us Brits.. very tempting.

    I'm going to have a crack at getting some decent result with the native render, some renders I've seen are stunning but the vast
    majority look flat. the table and chairs pic is fantastic again wow.

    Thanks again.

    I think DT said he just used an HDRI for lighting that table and chairs pic. It is fantastic. Just takes time to render unless you have a faster PC. Cath Harders (Mec4D) says that she found a way of getting Carrara to use full spectrum light. She didn't say how but I'm guessing it may be HDRI related as I think DT may have been working with those kind, too, as he has some high quality HDRIs in his light packs in the store.

    The flatness of some renders is one of the problems of being on a mainly hobbiest site - most of the images are done for fun - so many people don't go far enough in pursuing quality. And there are also different goals... some folks are working on different types of art and are not pursuing the reality goal. Carrara is great in that gives you lots of flexibility in getting to where you want to go with your art.

  • jcrabbjcrabb Posts: 29
    edited December 1969

    Well I ran across this while doing a search for a DAZ product (on google)...I think it is probably the new galleries but it seems they haven't been able to move all the data from the artist names or links... when you click on the link a popup will appear just hit the cancel button and you will be able to view the page and each addition page you have to hit cancel on. The images seem to appear in higher quality and the slide show option is kinda neat.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited December 1969

    there is Carraracafe, and you can embed videos just by posting the YouTube link!
    iClone makes quite a good quick external animation renderer (via 3dx5)!
    if you do not have animated morphs, softbody physics or things like replicators, hair, ocean primitive etc that do not export via FBX.
    Likewise Houdini from what I have tested.
    the Carrara rigging and animation even NLA clips and nonsoftbody bullet physics exports.
    also saving static scenes as obj works in most programs anyway.
    thanks to pranging my car into someone else's an hour ago, I will not be buying the Starving artist edition of Houdini any time soon
    but the fluid simulations in Carrara exported scenes with animated Daz characters (that export from studio rigged too via FBX) is something I want to eventually learn!

  • tylerzamboritylerzambori Posts: 79
    edited June 2012

    It may be only a matter of time, imo, until Terrence Vergawuen loses his temper
    and quits. Until then, I'd stay away from Octane.

    Post edited by tylerzambori on
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