Geograft: Does Anyone Recognize These Artifacts?

Today I started working through the videos on how to use Jonathon and Janette. I chose to apply Samanyo textures and morphs to Jonathon. I started out working with a clothed model, but after an accident made me think I should start over, the second time I'm using a naked model.
Anyway, does anyone recognize these patterns that appear on the chest? There's one screenshot of my viewport, showing clean skin, and another that shows how the render appears.

Samanyo in Carrara Viewport.PNG
584 x 438 - 296K

Samanyo in Carrara Render.PNG
647 x 492 - 344K

Samanyo Torso Shader.PNG
688 x 321 - 73K
Post edited by Inkubo on
I have tried closing down Carrara and then starting back up and reloading the scene. The patterns remain the same.
looks weird, sorry no help from me, maybe Mysty knows? have you loadede up the texture in ps to see what it looks like?
I've no idea what (generation) those figures are,.
have you tried changing the texture map setting to "Sampling" ,. rather than fast mip map
Q: does the pattern change if you reposition the camera,. ?
The Open GL preview of the textures in the assembly room isn't a Full resolution texture display,. (it's filtered down to make working faster)
so it will look different from the full rendered version. but..
This looks like either a Texture issue,. or a mapping interpretation issue,
I don't think I have either of those figures you mention,.
In the Forums,. it's helpful to mention what the figure (generation or main type) is,.. rather than a "character" name
EG: Victoria 4,. Genesis 1 male etc..
geografts do that especially geografted shoes.
yes they exist!!!
I posted a thread on it.
Johnathon = G3M
issue looks uv map/geograft related.
did you load the original johnathon?
try another skin or try a plain diffuse color with a shader wizard, to test
beware the geograft shoes!!!
Yes, @Mistara and @th3Digit, the problem was caused by geograft genitalia. Both the chest and gens were all messed up, but when I unfitted the gens, both textures cleared up and appear normal now in the render.
Is there an alternative to keep geografted parts in the right place without using Fit To?
it's one and the same issue as your geograft thread.
funny thing is, saving gens to carrara library and loading from carrara, doesnt "break" the geograft.
i cant find the 'graft' section in the .car file to delete it.
mebbe, temporarily delete the graft section from the dsf file, save it to carrara lib, then restore the original dsf file so that geograft stays intact for ds
I don't actually know how to make a DSF file. I'm saving scene subsets to DUF files. What I did was (a) delete the gens in Carrara and (b) go into DS to re-fit the genitalia with zeroed pose, then unfit the gens and saved a new scene subset--but I only checked the box to include the gens. Now I have a gens-only file to import into Carrara.
If I import and attach the gens, the textures on the gens go crazy and the weird spots appear on the chest. So I uncheck the VISIBLE box on that copy of the gens and import a second copy. The second copy I fit to the invisible gens. The textures do not go crazy on this copy of the gens and they render as they should.
However, they are not placed correctly and are all squished wrong, and as long as the invisible gens are attached, the weird spots appear on the chest.
Have I maybe done the "second copy" trick wrong? Any ideas on how to solve the weird spots caused by geografts?
1 idea was playing with but havent fleshed out yet (is that a pun?
was parenting a primitive to johnathon, cant remember if was hip or pelvis,
then parenting gen to primitive. i remember trying to manually dialing morphs.
or try, not sure if this would work, ... or crash >.< but if yoo in mood to experiment
try conforming undies or basicwear to johnathon, (converted to blended weight)
conform the gens to undies or basic wear (gens converted to blended weight) ,,,
Fitting to invisible undies seems to have worked! There's a distinct line visible where the pelvis shield and the Jonathon base groin bulge compete for visibility, but aside from that I can find no blemishes anywhere on the character's skin. You are a genius!
was experimenting with it last night, too.
was no way to nudge the gens once it was conformed.
was trying to hide the gens 'pelvis' inside G3m's geometry for a smoother line.
needs refinement. lol
geograft helper or geograft buffer
Just a thought, but couldn't you use the model in assembly room to change the position of the invisible undies, and then as a result the attached gens be moved into place that way?
here you go Jonstark
Took about 5 minutes... you will need Fenrics unlock tool
load up G1 and unlock it and detach skeleton/bones
go into model room and untick protect topology
delete as much as you need and leave enough to attach the gens to
export as OBJ
Open DS eeeek!
load up G1male
import the object you just saved
use the assets transfer utility
save the result as a figure/prop asset
backinto Carrara load G1M and load the new bit you just saved
load up the gens and fit to the new part... done
works like a charm and no joins after loading your textures
I'd put a screen shot up but I think it's against ToS
does it work better than just fitting it to my helper?
TY Stezza!
TY Wendy!
feels like we made ubermongous progress this week
TY Inkubo for the motivation!
what are our favorite critterss with geografts?
minotaur 6
reptilian 6?
a few tails.
fawna legs?
the G3M anatomical geometry goes front to back in one piece.
was thinking a lil morph dimple for uranus back there
could try that!
This is pretty brilliant, not sure how to import morphs into Studio though. I'm sure there's some way to do it, but I just don't know how. Was also playing around with simply deleting the polygons on the Genesis model where the genital would go and thinking I would just replace the blank space with the genital model instead to see what would happen, but not sure how to take 2 different objects, both with their own morphs, and then combine them into one object...
I dunno.... I don't know about your helper....
Not saying it's the best way... but it may work for some... here is a step by step in pictures on 'how to' to help you.
(Images removed due to nudity. Please review )
reposted images with educational nudey bits covered
(Please reread the guidelines. We emailed an acceptable suggestion yesterday. Covering in this way is akin to using censor bars which are not among the acceptable solutions.)
Does the Asset Transfer Utility basically serve to move the skeleton from the real G1 to the OBJ you loaded?
Last night I exported my DUF to OBJ and loaded both the DUF and OBJ into Carrara, then detached the skeleton from the DUF version and reparented it to the OBJ. I also got rid of the geografts' redundant bones and parented the useful bones to the main skeleton, so now I have exactly one hip, pelvis, etc. But when I reparented bones, the skeleton's bits all wiggled out of place, so I will have to realign everything before I can attach it to my model and see if the skeletal transplant operation was a success.
I'm also pursuing an alternate track: Because Carrara crashed on me in the modeling room today, I did some research on how to manually stitch on geografts in Blender. As of this moment, my minotaur's tail is a real part of his body, no longer a geograft, and the UVs and textures are still intact!
I tried similar to what you did and ended up with a mutilated mess reminiscent to the torture handed out in Game of Thrones!
Ooh, you posted that cool comic while I was typing! That's really fantastic. Great work, Stezza!
Update: There is one thing I don't understand, or maybe a step missing. The new thingy just looks like a cup, right? After "Load me up with that new prop thingy," shouldn't there be a step saying to load gens and fit them to the new thingy?
Awesome clarification Stezza, for some reason I was stuck on trying to turn the Genitals themselves into 'clothing' via this method. Instead I'm seeing is that I should take a base Genesis actual skin area right in the 'Ken doll' neutered section, make that patch into 'clothing' via this method, then I can attached the genitals to that 'clothing' and I believe it should mess up the UVs, while still preserving any morphs within the genitals themselves. For the 'outie' version of sexes, this should be all that's needed, but for the 'innie' side of the gender spectrum, I'll need the extra step of using 3d painting to make some bits of the Genesis1 crotch area transparent, in case I want to render an in depth scene in a gynecologist's office or the like. So the setup would be the genital conformed to the invisible 'clothing' that I make from the Genesis model I chop up, which in turn is conformed to the Genesis I'm using for the shot. At least if I'm theorizing this right... will have to give it a try later tonight...
both genetalia work on the one thingy
dont know if you could do it backwards as well?
I think I will have to read it a dozen times to decipher it
I linked it earlier in this thread but here is the discussion