Tomorrow Monday June 11 Apple will unveil a bunch of new products! Rumor is that the newest MAC-PRO towers will be shown. Also ALAS rumor has it this will be the last TOWER Mac! So if you can afford it get one. These will be loaded with Mountain Lion which I HOPE wont be an issue for Carrara 8.5 pro and HEXAGON! ANY ADVISE TEHRE?
I have heard all sorts of rumors about whats gunna be on the inside and sounds like great!
This means that the last and current line of 64 bit MAC-pros the "WESTMERE"s will be showing up all over the used sites which will probably be my move! I just don't have 10 grand for a new MACPRO.
I speced out a new westmere one on apple configured the way I wanted and Trust me I didnt have a lot of bells an whistles on it it was basically ONE 1 TB HD, a GIG Video card, 32 Megs Ram with a 12 CORE! and its pushing 8 grand
Luckily they say the new towers will be around the same price range
MAN 12 core with ram up the arse! WOO HOO!
I'm going to keep an eye on these new Mac Pros. I have a newer 12-core Mac Pro with 26GB of RAM that I may unload if these new machines have a lot to offer in terms of upgraded performance. But then again, I may just get an SSD for my current machine... it's not quite living up to it's potential with a regular HDD.
Yea cant wait for Monday!
DAMN a 12 core? did you buy it new? Like 7-9 grand!
I may have to buy a used 12 core after the new ones come out! I sure would like to keep it under 4 grand for the mac-pro. I have been considering buys a SDD for my QUAD POWERMAC G-5 but soem say with the motherboard speed it wont be all that fatser
Yep, bought it new. I paid around $6,000 for it (got all the RAM, monitors and goodies elsewhere). I do this stuff full-time, so it was a business expense for me. At home I have an i5 27" iMac. Works well for doing work while at home, and then when it's time to render I remotely render on the Mac Pro that's in my office.
I haven't really kept up with reading about all the new tech, but I've heard from others that SSDs can have a big impact. When I get a chance I'll look into it and see how it can help my workflow. After Effects is constantly caching things to the hard drive for no good reason, so a nice big SSD might speed things up considerably.
I just took a look at your site! Nice clean work! Lots of AE!~ I made poor decision many years ago. I use AE and premiere a long time ago and loved them! But at one time I had just enough money to UPGRADE either the apple route or the Adobe route! I took the apples suites and while they are okay I fell/felt they were nothing near like AE and Pme.
This time i got some money coming in and have decided to get the the master suite along with what ever new mac pro I get.
I noticed you used a lot of the 3D Camera stuff out of AE. I want to do that as well.
Where are you guys located? What part of the world
I think I could tell where you used Carrara, Nice job.
For one I want to get Particle illusion emitters to AE so I can do more post edit with particles.