Severed Man in Carrara 8.5 pro

Hi. i might want to use Severed Man in a Carrara scene with Genesis (using 8.5 Pro)
I see the prodcut under My DAZ 3D Library > Presets > Characters > RAW Art >Raw Sever - and I also see all of the morphs listed if I select 'Actor' in my scene hierarchy for genesis - but applying the morphs from the content browser or via Parameters doesn't remove the severed body part.
(Note, under the Raw_Sever directory, there's a subfolder with PreMade Parts, which do load properly - but I might want to use the morphs on a different Genesis character.
In DAZ Studio, applying the morph / attachment, gets rid of the severed body part.
Thanks for any suggestions.
you need to fit the parts not use morphs as they are geografts.
Also the UV mapping will mess up so the textures on the stumps will not look good, a proceedural may work as really only need a bloodied stump, so some noise blended procedural with textureroom projection.
ok - thanks