Re-ordering object folders

I've created a folder in the Objects tab of C8.5 so I can add some figures I'd like to be able to pull up easily. Unfortunately, the new folder(s) I've added go to the very bottom of a long list after all of the Carrara ones (Deserts, Plains, Mountains, High Mountains etc). Is there any way to force Carrara to list my new folders at the top so they'd be more easily accessible (instead of scrolled off the screen?) I've tried starting the directory's name with ! and with aaa but neither of those help.
theres a text file in the root of the folder. yoo can manually edit it to be exactly how yoo want it listed.
or could also tell carrara to reindex, is under the same button you add a folder or runtime
I just clicked 'create index file' - don't see an option to 'reindex'
And looking in Carrara8.5/Presets/Objects, I see all of the directories in alphabetical order - but I don't see any text file; don't see one in presets either
There is one in Carrara 8.5 called Carrara.txt but that doesn't list the directories I have in my presets/objects folder.
Could you be more specific about which file to change and where it is. Thanks.
You would be better off creating subfolders off your 'My Objects' folder using Windows Explorer if you use Windows..
then just drag and drop into the folder you need from within Carrara
oh yeah, sorry, was create index
it creates a text file called info.txt can manually edit. cut and paste "file curly bracket to curly bracket
to be safe, mebbe copy original info.txt to backup
adding a keyword search string to find this again if need be
worked lol
@Mistara - thanks for explaining that. I see how that works within each directory - and since I can create subdirectories via add folder, this provides a very workable solution.
Curious if there's a way to reorder the actual folders themselves which appear under objects, so I could place a !Rob_Objects folder at the top )above Deserts / Plants / Mountains / High Mountains and the next thirty or so folders)
I see a Carrara.txt file in the Carrara8.5 directory - but don't want to muck around in there without knowing what I'm doing. Don't see any info.txt files there that serve as master file. But again, that's more of a curiosity, since you've already given me a good workaround.
As for 'keyword searchstring' - do you simply embed a custom keyword in the forum post and keep a file with a list of those to make it easy to find those later?
greetings, i am interested in ythis also. i am on a mac and would like to get my custom folders in the browser to show mine at the top. I try to avoid having any content, textures etc on my startup drive. i could create a alias file in those 'My" folders but rearranging them would be better. thanx
its not the carrara.txt file. seems mostly dialog for the scene wizards
okay, sees it.
not sure where on mac, on pc
is under AppData, Roaming, DAZ 3D, Carrara 8.5,
move these blocks of 4 lines around in the order you want the upper folders to show
would like to find a way to set the index column width as a default,
every time i open carrara, adjusting it manually.
The solution can be as simple as select and remove,. all the folders you don't want,. ...then load the ones you want.
Although carrara comes with a bunch of interesting stuff to get you up and running,. you don't really need that,.. unless you're just starting, and relying on things like scene wizards,.
you can ditch the stuff you may never use,.
the same applies to content,. you can add or remove any folders from carrara's browser,.. on whatever drive you want,..
or,.. uninstall stuff you're not using
DIM is really handy for separating the wheat from the chaff,. you can easily remove stuff you don't use,. free up space and remove clutter.
keep in mind the Shader wizard and Landscape wizard are looking for their respective folders relative path.
it doesn't seem to matter which order the folders are listed,
but it does look for the folder heirarchy.