Resetting morphs and body position

Is there a quick and simple way to
a) reset all morphs back to their default after messing around with various sliders for a given figure?
b) reset pose to its default
c) is there a way to do those just for a given keyframe (so if I was animating something and lost track of changes made at a certain point in time, could just undo that keyframe without losing earlier work)
(I do have some of the commonly used extra plugins from Fenric if those would help)
Under the Animation Meny Tab you will find
- Zero
- Memorize
- Restore
There you will find various choices....
yeah, and it's really cool!
It allows us several options of zeroing, like specific parts of the body, for example. It's a good idea to just play around with the options a bit and get used to what all is there. In all, I love it over the previous system.
Perfect - thanks! Looking forward to getting back into animation with Carrara.