Using Target Helpers/Inverse Kinematics

I've set up Genesis to use target helpers and IK with hands and feet.
Was wondering how to do that with Figures like Octogenesis or the DAZ Octopus.
Do I need to create IK chains from end of arms/tentacles - then put IK terminators 1 level above where they join - and then add Target Helpers for end bones to track?
And will this mess up any morphs (like twist all, bend all ) that might be included with some products?
you'd only need to use a helper (target helper object) as the target,. and a Track or point at modifier (on the figure bone(hand/foot)) to allow you to use that (target) as the controller for a limb
the figure already has joint limits and constraints
Parameter controls which can bend or twist are actually combining a "transform" (of the bones) and a "morph" (of the mesh)
If you're animating the bones,. either using targets or manually posing on keyframes,. then you should be able to control the figure with or without using those Morph transforms.
it's best to stick to one type of control either targets or posing.
You could also create your own Limb / tentacle model in carrara,. rig it and animate it ,..