Poser animations (pz2) in Carrara

Hello Crew.
I found a cool looking product...
It says it uses Poser animations in pz2 format.
Do these work in Carrara?
Does anyone have experience with these or any animations in that format?
Absolutely. I buy Poser Mocap stuff and it loads really well, and usually requires no tweaking to avoid the limbs from disappearing into the body, like aniBlocks do. I've never tried these, that you're pointing at, but Vanishing Point has certainly been around...
These look cool, but then again... so do the action sets by Poser Mocap. Eventually, I'll own the whole collection of those. I highly recommend them.
I also like to use Poser specific animations in Carrara, but I do have some problems. E.g., some of the Eclipse Studios sets work fine, others have problems. One is that the figure is relocated to the "World Center" (or whatever its called, the spot where a new figure would show up). This is a problem when the figure is located in a particular position is a big scene. I would think that removing some keyframes for the overall figure would fix it, but so far I haven't found the answer ... still looking. Any advice is appreciated.
Thanks Dartan and Steve!
It really is amazing all the things we can use in Carrara.
Yeah, I just got done with a large set of animations using aniBlocks and kept having limbs disappear into the body. What a pain!
So Dartanbeck, you use the PoserMocap natively in Carrara?
I had been converting them into aniBlocks, then importing them via aniBlock importer.
How do you get the Posermocap into Carrara with the importer or converting them to aniBlocks?
I simply install them to my runtime folder and double-click them from the browser. They never see aniMate from me ;)
PZ2 poses and textures are read natively by Carrara, Use them directly from the browser/runtime as you would in Poser.
Drag the icon onto the desired figure, or with the figure (animation group) selected double-click the pose. Poses don't need to be specifically for that figure, since it is based on the names of the bones.
Thanks Dartan and Holly!
Hell, if I had asked you lot about this years ago, I would have saved myself a lot of time fixing my Posermocap animations!
Thank you.
P.S. Somebody needs to put a fire under the Posermocap lads, they haven't put out anything lately.
Swordplay Volume 1 for V4, M4 and Genesis
SciFi Moves Volume 3
But, yeah.... I want more too!
HI tsarist :)
I just noticed that the animations you pointed to require a specific "Soldier" figure,.
They make animations for "poser" figures. they may not always be for M4/V4 etc,.. so it's worth keeping a eye out for that. but if you have Poser,. then you should be able to convert that animation to work on Daz3D Figures.
Poser and DS are both useful programs to have if you use Carrara,. they can both create animations which can be loaded into Carrara for further work and rendering.
Hi 3D man!
I haven't seen you round the forums lately. Nice to hear from you.
Yes, thanks for the tip.
I actually have the Soldier figure. I haven't loaded him in yet, but it looks cool from the photos.
The soldier is a low res figure, like the ones Predatron makes.
They have Soldiers, SWAT teams, and Knights.
Worth a look if you need a lot of figures for animation.
I have DS on my machine and you're right. It is pretty handy to mix aniBlocks for import and the Puppeteer.
I own Poser 2-4 & 7. I could never get into it, for some reason.
Take Care
The predatron one's that I own can fill many shoes. But more is always merrier!
Here is that vendors store...
Here is another vendor that has some low res soldiers...
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/vogel-einz-package/50864 I have this pack.
I love Predatron's stuff too. Really helps me fill in a scene.
Since we were talking about Predatron in this thread and the great Lo-res items he makes, I wanted to tell you all that his store is on sale...
Today only, during March Madness
That pack you got is one amazingly incredible deal, is it not? Holy cow!
I guess we sparked the creative energy in Predatron because he's FINALLY back with some really useful Lorez stuff...
Dont think this has been mentioned above but another good source of poser animations for Daz Characters ( and poser of course) is
quite a few motions in pz2 format others in bvh / many for military action if thats waht you are after..
Another site I gave up on. Can't log in, no way to check/change password.
email them. They are under new owners as far as I know...
There are some motions there that are certainly needed.
email them. They are under new owners as far as I know...
Yep, Keith sold a script to Hollywood and is now pursuing his screenwriting dream. Some of the folks who used to help him bought the site and they are working on new packages. They recently released some of the new motions he had been working on. They have a store now on Rendo and they offered special discounts to their e-mail list folks. They even have a phone number posted if you want to call them.
There are some motions there that are certainly needed.
Bummer. Only BVH? Why BVH? I hate BVH!
Might be description confusion. The packs I've bought from Eclipse have all been PZ2 files.
Sweet. Much nicer, for me. ;-)