Saving hair on object

Made a head to practice with Carrara hair.
Tried to import that file both as a .car, which didn't work at all (showed up as an empty box fixed in place in my carrara scene)
and as a .obj file, which allowed me to import the head, but without the hair I'd added.
Could someone explain the proper steps for saving hair onto an object that I can import to new scene as hair cap?
I just tried the "Bear's hair" from PhilW on ShareCG and have the same problem.
Allo Phil... and thank you for the NLA clip included, very helpfull!
You can save an object with hair on it to the object browser. That is what I did in the first screenshot attached, in which I used a hair cap and created a few styles. You can also save just the hair to the object browser, but if so then it will have to be dragged and dropped on the same object in the future.
For example, I modeled and saved a hair cap that fits the base G2F shape. I divided the hair cap into convenient shader domains and made sure its uvmap was clean. For hair to be visible in the assemble room, check for two things. 1) The visibility check box in the geenral tab of the hair object. 2) The "show in 3D view" check box in the hair modeling room. It can be convenient to turn off visibility while working on other elements n the assemble room so I sometimes forget that I have turned off visibility.
I posted an example as a freebie over at sharecg.
Thanks for the replies - will go back and double-check those things.
If I use a character I've made as the base (duplicating it, then cutting off only the head to save as an object) - can I save the morphs to the head so it will be an exact match as a hair cap - or do the morphs get lost when deleting the rest of the mesh or saving as /obj instead of figure and reimporting?
If you export the .obj with morph and skinning, you keep the new shape of the object when you import it later.
If you do that with a character, delete eveything inside the head by selecting the shading domains of each part one by one.
Dio, thanks for your screenshts, I have your Egypt hairs since a long time and never tried it
, I 'll do that today!
Hey DUDU - thanks, that's great news. Have things working well enough for this project after a lot of manual tweaks, but trying to learn best practices for future ones as well - will test head with morphs / skinning intact once I have time.
Nice looking hairstyle there, Diomede! Looks great :)