Hair room - not orbiting right

I'm using Genesis Haircap - but inside the Hair model room, I'm not able to orbit around the hair properly, which makes it very hard to work.
I had been adjusting the hot point of the hair cap outside of the hair room to make positioning it on an already posed figure easier - not sure if that's the problem - but any ideas on fixing this?
It's an eternal problem with Carrara, when you "lost" your object with hair, it's very difficult to find it in the hair room. (no "reset
the 3D view" nor "show the selected object".
There is a symbol on the down left of the room with the 3 axes XYZ to help you, otherwise, close the program and restart Carrara...
Ok - just went back into main scene and centered my hotpoints for the two levels above actor - and can now orbit properly in hair model room.
(looking at the regular genesis haircap, that doesn't have the 'actor' level centered either and the hot point there is locked - so realized that wasn't the problem)
I have run into the other problem you mentioned of losing hair in the hair room - usually able to find by scrolling way out and then zooming back in on object; a shame the regular trick of selecting the object (or ctrl all to select verticies) and then using keyboard shortcut to zoom focus to that doesn't work inside hair room.