Duplicate Morph

I just like to know if there is a way co copy or duplicate a V4 Morph to a clothing part..
Thanks in advance,
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I just like to know if there is a way co copy or duplicate a V4 Morph to a clothing part..
Thanks in advance,
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It helps to know a bit more about what you want to do specifically. But, yes and no.
I have no clue about copy or duplicate, but create... yeah. I do it all the time.
You need to get used to working in the model room while watching the preview window for the results on the figure.
The hardest part that I've had is that these clothing figures are locked from being able to add a new full body style morph. So you have to add a morph to each region - Neck, Chest, Abdomen, etc., and tweak it into submission.
The other hard thing is that now you have to dial each of those separately - unless you've found a way to save them to use the V4 morph to drive them (using the exact name?)
I'm pretty sure that D|S Pro can make short work of this, but I don't quite remember. When I say, fairly often lately, that I want to add D|S to my work flow toolset, this is one of the areas I'm talking about. Their may be a way to automate the process using the Content Creation Toolkit features. I remember seeing tutorials on just that subject - possibly at the Daz3d Youtube channel. It might take some searching, but those videos are most often worth the effort to find.
There are also enormous capabilities in that regard by first finding the appropriate name of the morph in question, and sending V4 and the clothing from D|S into Hexagon. Tweak the morph to fit the morphed V4, and then when sending it back to D|S, the option comes up to save as a morph. I think that if you enter the exact internal name of the morph, you'll get the morph into the clothing and have it work like the one included with the clothes - and it will 'follow' what the V4 morph does.
I really wish I had links for you. I'll be getting into this myself in time - I've wanted to ever since the first piece of clothing I bought that didn't include 'Inhale'. Drives me nuts. All sorts of clothes are missing that one!
So what I did as a quick way around, until I find a proper solution:
I open the clothing in D|S and send it to Hexagon. It Hexagon i make a small tweak towards what I ultimately want to do - then send it back to D|S and save the morph under my own, custom heading - mine is "dB". Now I export a new CR2 of the clothing back into the same runtime (or whatever) that it came from, with my prefix: "dB_" added to the front, so it doesn't overwrite the original. Any unique file name will do.
Now when I load it into Carrara, I have a new full-body option where I can create the entire morph across Neck, Chest, Abdomen, etc., in one shot, with one dial. This is huge and works really well. The ability to do what I've just described in Carrara - without the need for D|S and Hex is one of my feature requests for Carrara 9. But I'm still happy to do it using D|S and Hex, as long as it works - one way or another.
Note that you could just go ahead and make your morphs in Hexagon, while you're in there. I'm not that comfortable in the Hexagon interface, so I get into Carrara as quickly as I can. But the nice thing about Hexagon, is that you can bring V4 in with the clothes, with the morph(s) applied, and lock v4 from selection in Hex, and go about making your morph. And if you know the proper way to save that morph, you won't ever need to use the dial - as it will automate with the figure (V4).
One thing to remember if you do use Hexagon to make you're morphs:
After making one morph, remember to dial that new morph down to '0' before making another - or the new morph will multiply the dialed morph to the new one - screwing up you whole, new morph!
Hope I gave you some direction at least.
Thanks for your very detailed response, Dartanbeck.
I think I will try to work it through.
Maybe one day we will have some kind of morph follower in Carrara
Yeah, follower with enhancements would be great!
The way, sometimes the followed morphs still show poke-through without having a dial to fix it, it would be nice if our new Follower/Enhancer tool would give us a few built in dials to make quick tweaks.
Poke through is really easy to fix in Carrara. Most of the time, I don't even make morphs for that, and just adjust the clothing to fit my morphed version of V4.
The Kimono that you might see my Rosie Character in all the time, I've used the above method of bridging to Hex and back to D|S just once to create my new Morph category. From there I made a custom shape morph for Rosie, then over twenty other animatable morphs for movement and such. Once I go through that procedure once - the Morph Target (or category into which I can create morphs) is there for me to use all I want in Carrara. Her hair was done the same way.
I'm on the wrong computer now, I'll show you a comparison in an image below, from my other computer. brb
On my workstation now. I decided to do a small comparison between the figures the way they come as default, and the way they are now, with all of my Carrara edits and shaders. I didn't dial up any of the major wind morphs on this one. This is how Rosie loads in by default except for the eye turn and expression.
Yikes! I can see that the hair still needs work.
The Hair on V4 is the original. I've added a full body morph target via D|S and Hex, and added a pile of wind-blown morphs. Then I made two more copies of the hair by saving the one to my browser and bringing it in two more times. Each additional copy retains the morphs I've created, buy I moved the single strands to new locations to basically make more of them, and scaled the rest of it up - adjusting the curls accordingly. By the time I was done, I really liked the result. Now I feel that some of the curls got too large, so I added two new vertex objects that I shaped into smaller curls. One is more of a bunch of hairs creating a single curl shape, and the other is a single hair strand curl - and I surface replicated thousands of these things onto the three hair figure copies. I'm also playing around with separate light rigs to speed up my Rosie renders from all of the alpha on the original figure. With that version on Rosie above, there is much less alpha needed because of the replicated curls - but I can see that I'm still not using enough shadow, and it's still taking forever t render. So I may just go back to the original hair and start over from scratch. Seeing that version on V4, it looks great the way Goldtassel had it to begin with. So I'll start from there, but with my custom morphs applied, and make new volume enhancement from there. Who cares if it takes a while to render. It really isn't that bad anyways.
For the Kimono, it has an 'Open' morph. This is set to default on V4, and something like -0.4 on Rosie's. There are no tummy separation morphs on the original, which is what started this whole 'need for morphs' idea. Plus I want to have the option for loose fitting garments like this to fall forward, away from the body a bit, naturally, when the character bends over or is hit from behind, etc.,
Further gravity morphs were added to deal with how open the kimono now is, with far less fabric to hold it in a specific shape. In the model room, I set as much of the model to 'hidden' as I could by selecting polygons and going to 'View > Hide Selected'. The rest I did with an alpha mask in the shader.
This model did not include inhale, either - so I made my own which I have to dial when needed - which is really easy since I used D|S and Hex to give me that new morph target - which works across the whole model for adding morphs.
Sorry to just keep talking away in your thread, but I do like sharing my experiences just in case you might glean a good piece of knowledge from it that helps in your future endeavors. In fact, just reading some of this stuff can help down the road, long after you've read it. Gee... did I really need to say all that? No wonder Rosie calls me "Sir Babble-on... and on... and on...." lol
Anyways, I think I've fixed the hair issue simply by not excluding it from any of the shadow casting lights. This light rig stays with this figure, and only affects this figure. I have a similar rig on Dartan. Then when I bring them into their scenes, I tweak the differences and whatever needs to be done. I really don't like to allow my environmental lighting to cast disruptive shadows on my heroes.
My first official movie has not yet gone to production, but I am very busily preparing for it now - so I'm trying different combinations between various lighting techniques I've acquired over the years, and new one's I'm creating from a new 'common knowledge' that now resides in my brain from living in these forums for a while now. Evil Producer has some great advice in the "Post your Renders" thread. I love his work, so I try to heed his advice ass much as possible. Koutsoku and many others in there are excellent too. She uses Ambient Occlussion almost exclusively in her work - which is also incredible. Getting way off topic with this entire post, so I'll duck out with this image and let you absorb your needs for a while.
Even if what I said throughout this thread doesn't help in the slightest, let me know how it's going and what you still need to figure out, and I'll help you as best I can.
Oh... Gee... One more FYI:
V4 is a rare breed when it comes to purchased figures (unless an update has been made changing this), in that she gives you full access in the Model room. Where other figures would require the D|S/Hex procedure, V4 can have new morphs added directly within Carrara! She's great that way!
Dart has already touched on this, but just to state it clearly:
DS4.5 has the facility to 'Transfer Active Morphs' and it's a solution of few clicks..
Conform your clothing item to V4
Dial up the morph in V4
Right click and choose 'Transfer Active Morphs'
You can dial up more than one at a time but I've found the process works better transferring singly then repeating as needed.
Export the clothing item as a new CR2. (Save it into the Runtime structure for easy loading in Carrara)
This will also unlock the full body morphing in Carrara if you have transferred an FBM in Studio.
Of course any auto transfer is going to be limited by the algorithms used and how well the underlying mesh moves, but it really is very easy and helps even if the only thing you want to do is make adding morphs easier in Carrara
I keep mentioning this but no-one seems to catch on..
Any FBM unlocks the ability to add new one's in Carrara, or just make new morphs in an existing channel? No matter, really... As long as they can be created I'll be happier than a slink on an escalator!
Okay. Just to get your words to stick, I'll repeat this process this week and report the instructions on the Carrara information page with perhaps a video tut or images to help. You get the credit though, cuz you're the one with the appropriate details to make it happen.
Thanks a gigazillion!
Been away from Carrara figure editing for a while, but shouldn't using the morph export option(model room) under the clothes model work for setting up targets(.obj) to morph clothes, or duplicate a morph setup? I tried both the model room export feature and the regular Export under File(export with morphs and skinning), but both import back with errors, mesh is scrambled or morphs wrong. Using 8.5 beta build 172.
If you have Poser, have a look at MORPHING CLOTHES at Rendo:
works VERY well, and very fast. Options to create a new CR2 of the clothes or a simple morph installer... PC-only, and you need Poser to export a specific version of the V4/M4+ figures with the morphs saved internally... most generic figures and the Gen3 figures save their morphs differently and they work easily.
If you have Poser, have a look at MORPHING CLOTHES at Rendo:
works VERY well, and very fast. Options to create a new CR2 of the clothes or a simple morph installer... PC-only, and you need Poser to export a specific version of the V4/M4+ figures with the morphs saved internally... most generic figures and the Gen3 figures save their morphs differently and they work easily.
You have the option to inject the morphs directly into a basic V4 in Morphing Clothes these days, so you don't even need Poser.
It has a very fast transfer speed and the resulting morphs can be of good quality if you get the settings right. One of the most useful things it does is respect solid groups that you can set (such as buttons and decorations) which keeps things from distorting.
The CR2 that the program exports won't unlock the FBM editing in Carrara though, only the Studio CR2 exporter does that and it's free so I really do suggest that first.
My workflow often involves Morphing Clothes at some point with a last runthrough in Studio/Hex to fix my main morphs, before exporting the CR2 out into a Carrara friendlier package.
Another option is Xdresser4. You have to buy the Morph Packs to do the transfer and you're limited to only those already in the pack but it can also add useful fix morphs at the same time.
Hi Dartanbeck.
The feature is part of the Poser import(not locked in any way), and saving/loading morphs work. Its when I reload the saved morph, and try its morph slider, the mesh will morph scrambled or not at the right sizes etc. Using a standard V4.2 figure and clothes.
Example of what I was trying on the topic.
-load a V4.2 figure
-add conforming clothing
-pose V4.2
-save the conformed clothing morph for later use.
Not a copy or duplicate of morph values the OP is looking for, but one way to use a morphed clothing part(.obj) in Carrara.
It was the process I've first described, D|S > Hex > D|S = new CR2, is what made me realize that I'd really like to add D|S and Hex into my toolkit - and this was when I was still using 2.3
When they gave away D|S, Hex and Bryce... I got nervous and "bought" them all immediately in case they changed their minds! lol
It was like a dream come true for completing my toolkit of Daz. Bryce being a total bonus that I really hope I like when I try it again. I already owed and like Hexagon - but I'd rather model in Carrara due to easier navigation for me. But I've not spent enough time in Hex either - I already know I'll just keep liking it more and more. I have no ideas towards using D|S for what I do in Carrara. Many people seem to grade it that way. The tools that came with 4.5 pro are amazing for adding content creation and manipulation for use in Carrara, making it a far more powerful toolkit than what many Carraraists give it credit for. I tried decimator once when I first downloaded D|S before the 15 days were up, or whatever. Bought that as soon as it went on some incredible sale - then I noticed a Decimate feature in the model room. However, I like the Decimator in D|S much better. I can totally set up a figure in D|S with morphs, clothes, hair and props - and then decimate the whole thing together.
Ooops... babbling again.
The conforming clothes morph exports for content figures and the parameter save component seem to have issues(C8.5 b.172). The parameter tab 'Save Component' might be perfect for what the OP wanted. Just pose the figure, and conforming clothes sliders get updated with the posing, then select the clothes and save all the sliders values with the save component.
I have seen a few of my older bug reports get updated recently, so with more testing or others confirm, I'll try to add notes or report issues in the Bug Tracker. Also, theres some issues with NLA Create Master Pose clips which could be used for some morphs.
I have Bryce, Hexagon, DS from the free promotion also. I know Bryce quite well from awhile ago. With Carrara, I can run circles aorund all three apps. But thats just a personal workflow comparison. :coolsmile:
Yes. I agree. Carrara is King!