New Iray Worlds product, Massive World Creation in Daz Studio [Commercial]

magix101magix101 Posts: 165
edited August 2017 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Hi...Magix-101 here
I designed the original Worldbase and Worldbase XT products and the Iray Worlds Skydome.
Products are here

I have new PAK that I have been working on for several months now.
Ii is other words you do not need the original Iray Worlds Skydome or Superpak
However if you own these products or buy them, you will be able to add to more skies, water etc.
to this new PAK called Iray SkyDome Plus [Ground Cover]
Dont be fooled by the title...this is not a few skies or some basic ground cover, this is a Massive
product with Trees, Vines, Grass, Sun Positions, Hidden Lights, Skylight functions and much more
The Grass Cycle for example has 15 different morphs to easily control density, randomisation, height,
tilt so it can look great from any camera angle plus 9 different MATS and grass looks, and there is much
more.but I wont go on...but here are a few images, these are created solely in the Skydome Plus pak
without any outside products....also the images are exactly as they are rendered in Daz Studio.




2800 x 1200 - 3M
2800 x 1200 - 3M
2800 x 1200 - 3M
Def-Sc3 Gr+Tr.jpg
2000 x 1000 - 667K
2800 x 1200 - 3M
Post edited by magix101 on


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Love your stuff. I think I have most of it lol. This looks awesome!

  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165

    Hi IceDragon Art

    I only just answered one of your messages at Daz...
    I am the worlds worst message really sorry about that, I only just saw it.
    Yeah I have trialed and errored and researched and worked on this for a long time.
    I didnt want to just make a scene or set (although there are several scenes in this pack)
    I wanted to make something that users have a lot of control they can make lots of
    ddifferent scenes, controling light and abunch of other things.

    There are also more or less hidden developments...that I can do stuff for stacked
    horizons (5 of them) and the Skylight...that can eminate light independant of the sun and the now all I gotta do is hope Daz releases it at a half decent time>
    I will be uploading it tonite


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited August 2017

    Awesome!  And no worries, I totally understand life happens lol.

    Looking forward to seeing this one in the shop!

    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,775


  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165

    Hi avxp I am uploading it tomorrow, it depends how long Daz take to put it thru QA.
    I hope its not that long...and I hope they give it a decent release date.

  • Wauw this looks amazing. Wonderful work as usual.

  • FirePro9FirePro9 Posts: 456

    Very impressive, looking forward to the release!

  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165

    Thanks guys.

    Its set up so you can really do a lot of designing of your own worlds..and more to come.
    For example there are now 5 horizons that can be scaled for different layering effects..
    |I hardly used that feature in this release because I spent so much time on the grass, trees plants etc..
    But its veryy comprehensive..I will post some folder shots later that show whats actually in the app.


  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,050

    This is quite beautiful. Can you post some more renders that show the horizons at a distance? Are some of the trees billboards (alpha planes)?

  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165

    Hi xyer0
    Thanks and these are good Questions.

    Mostly I used the older Horizon setup for Iray World-Plus, however it does have the new 5 Horizons, and it also has 15 morphs to stack, randomize or hide any of the horizons.
    So all this is new and is really going to be used going forward, right now I only used one basic default horizon texture and mist, so that is used in all the renders>
    The horizons can be made to be much forther away by scaling up the IR-base or changing the cameras zoom.
    There are extra horizons already available in the Iray SkyDome Super PAK tho if you have that product.

    Going forward tho, the 5 Horizons will be a very powerful addition because they can be stacked to make crowded city setting, denser hills and so on... but thats gonna be worked
    on as the product moves forward.

    Regarding your question ..are some of the Trees Billboard Alpha Planes? yes and no...they are planes and they are alpha, but they are modeled with some relief on them.
    In other words they are not exactly flat, they have curves and bulges on them and they are cut to shape, further they have some gloss mapping and bump maps as well.
    So they look ultra real.

    I am going to upload the read me file as if anyone is interested they can read whats going on in the app.

  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165

    Iray Worlds-Plus READ ME

    First of all Iray Worlds-Plus is a standalone program, you do not have to buy extra morphs, plants, trees or anything else.

    All the images used to advertise this product were entirely created with "Iray Worlds-Plus" and no extra programs or textures
    were used.
    That said if you own or buy the original Iray Worlds Skydome and/or Iray SkyDome Super PAK then you will have access
    to a lot more water sky and ground textures.
    In other words Iray Worlds-Plus is a new World Program that is still backwards compatible with the two main earlier Iray Worlds
    programs and thats mainly for textures.

    Iray Worlds-Plus is not a small program by any means, but its very easy to use and its basically a click and set program.
    It also includes many pre made scenes (Images show these scenes) however its designed so you can create your own ultra realistic
    scenes complete with sun postions, color, range and a variety of light emitting Skies, a variety of ground covers, many types
    of plants, ultra realistic grass plus a large variety of trees and much more.

    Install "IIray Worlds-Plus" as directed by your installation setup.
    Open Daz Studio, Go to "My DAZ 3D Library" or "My Library", then navigate to Environments/Magix-101/Iray-Worlds/Iray Worlds-Plus.
    You will see Main Directory with 6 default scenes, plus 3 scaling pose setups:-

    These are very simple and easy to understand, the 1st is empty and the others have different types of trees, skies etc..added
    These are either beginning scenes, or scenes to build on. Simply click on it and there is your scene.

    Note:- "Iray Worlds-Plus" is much smaller than the original "Iray Worlds SkyDome" for a number of reasons, just one being its
    impossible to cover a large area like the original Iray Worlds with 3d modeled grass and postion scene trees and so on.

    But if you want to scale it up to the size of the original for some reason then select the IR-Base and hit the first scale icon
    "4 Plus SkyDome to Legacy" and that will bring it up to the original size.
    Note:- If you do this, make sure you use the 1st empty Iray worlds-Plus icon called "1 SkyDome-Def" and then scale it.
    Dont scale it with trees and ground cover in, it will cause the trees and everything else to scale too..."The land of the Giants!!"

    Note:- If you have a scene setup already with trees etc in it and decide to scale it, then unparent the extras like plants, trees
    etc...and just scale the Base, Dome, Skylight and Sun, then it should work fine.
    Mostly tho, you wont need to do that.

    Below the Scale icons are 3 Render Setups, all of these are set up for Iray but mainly change the ratio of the view.
    The 3 that are provided are the most common for most types of rendering.

    You will note that in the Iray Worlds-Plus Parent Directory there are 12 sub folders.
    we will give a brief explanation of what they are for below.

    1 IR Scenes
    This folder contains 6 preset scenes, these are fully developed scenes that can be used.
    They are different than the 6 default scenes that are the main directory in that they are far more developed.
    So the ones in the main directory are more like a starting point, and these scenes are like a finished scene that
    you could add a house, castle, people to etc...
    And of course you can build your own scenes from scratch as well.

    2 Add IR-Lights
    This folder has 2 basic lights that are invisible, these can be used to light parts of the scene.
    Several of them can be loaded into the scene, so you can have multiple Sphere Lights and Tube Lights as well.
    The Sphere lights are quite large, so if you need to they can be scaled down, the tube lights are much smaller
    and can be used for lighting the side of a tree for example.
    These lights can also be made visible and invisible by selecting the light and double clicking on the last two icons.
    You can change the color by selecting the light and going to Surfaces/Emission/Emission Color.

    2 IR Trees Single
    This folder contains 7 Trees that are 2D/3D, that is they are not totally flat, but have a modeled irregular surface.
    This gives a very realistic appearance without using too many polygons in the scene.
    These trees were originally designed some time back and they have been re designed and set up for Iray Worlds-Plus.
    They are best used placed slightly in the background, not totally up front, the 3D trees are used in the foreground.

    2 IR-Tree Clusters
    This folder contains 2 sets of the same type of trees, but in large clusters, you can use these to fill your scene with
    trees very quickly. Again these are best used in the background or a mid part of the scene.

    3 IR Trees-3d
    This folder contains nine trees that can be used in the foreground, some of these icons contain a group of trees, for
    example the Palms contain 6 palms in a group, you can delete the ones you dont want and use whatever fits the scene the best.
    In this IR Trees-3d folder some trees are more detailed than others and if you want real close ups its possibly best to use
    the highly detailed ones. The most detailed are the "1 Mn-Tree, 2 BC-Trees, 7 WW-Tree-Dense, 9 Cyprus-Trees" but any of the
    Trees in this folder can be used for close ups if you wish.

    4 IR-Ground Cover
    This folder contains 13 types of ground cover including grass, plants, weeds, rocks etc...
    Basically add these to your scene and place them where you wish.
    Only one item needs some explanation, the Grass Cycle needs to be understood.
    Basically its a circular multilayered and multi UV'd geometry, when you first put it in a scene, it wont look like much.

    To understand how to use it first look at the pre created scenes in the "1 IR Scenes" folder.
    But to further explain the "IR-Grass-Cycle" then select "Parameters" and go to "Morphs" you will then see 15 morphs
    These morphs can make the grass look great from almost any camera angle, the main rule is keep your camera low, but thats a
    given anyway, if its too high you will not really need grass from an artistic point of view.
    If you dont know what morphs to use, go to the "Morphs-SetGrass" in the "5 IR Grass-MATS" folder and this will give you a set
    of morphs that should make the grass look very realistic.

    5 IR Grass-MATS
    This folder contains 9 grass MATS and one multi morph setup icon we just spoke about.
    First select the "IR-Grass-Cycle" and apply the any one of the MATS for a different grass appearance, and you can apply that
    "Morphs-SetGrass" icon at the bottom for a good set of morphs applied all at once to make the grass look ultra realistic.
    Or you can manually tweak the morphs as well.

    6 IR Sky Emission
    This folder contains 6 Sky Luminance MATS from Bright to dark,and 5 Skylight Luminance MATS as well, remember the Sky as well
    as the Sun throws out light, the Sky is a type of secondary light and affects the scene depending on the type of sky used,
    so this is just like in the real world.
    These MATS command the sky to throw out a lot of light or not much light, generally when the sky throws out a lot of light it
    will look very bright and almost dark when its throwing out very little light.

    If you want to know how much light the sky throws out simply load the "1 SkyDome-Def" Scene and turn of the "IR-Skylight and the
    IR-Sun" you will see that the scene is still fairly well light, thats the sky doing that.
    Now go back to the "6 IR Sky Emission" folder and apply the 6th icon to the sky "6-SkyDome-0 [Dark]" the scene will now be dark.
    You can also experiment by leaving the default sky dark and now turn on the sun, you will now see what the sun light does,
    of course that changes according to the suns emission color and position, the point here is to understand how all these different
    main light sources affect your scene.

    Now finally in that default scene leave the sky dark, and also turn off the Skylight and Sun...your scene should be dark.
    Now turn on the Skylight and hit the Seventh Icon "7-SkyLight-2Mil [Bright]" you will now see how much the Skylight affects the
    scene as well, now go to Emission and change the skylights Emission Color to a bright color, maybe a blue or green, you will now
    see that the whole scene takes on that color just by using the Skylight.and if you dont need to use it simply disable it or go to
    the 11th icon and that will make the skylight dark again.

    By doing these experiments you will understand how "Iray Worlds-Plus" harnesses the power of Iray in so many different ways to create
    endless possibilities of lighting from ultra realistic to high fantasy.
    Light is singularly the most important factor in making a 3d scene look special, bad lighting creates a very flat looking 2d/3d image
    with not a lot of character whereas good lighting can make a fairly ordinary scene look great.

    6 IR Sky MATS
    This folder contains 9 different Skies and variations, simply select the "IR-Skydome" and apply one of them for a different sky.
    If you already have the "Iray SkyDome" and/or "Super PAK1" you can access to even more skies to apply to the "Iray SkyDome".
    They are completely compatible.

    7 IR Sun-Positions
    This folder contains 25 different Sun positions, simply select the IR-Sun and apply one of these sun position presets and the sun
    will move to that position accordingly.
    You will quickly see how it affects the light and shadows in your scene.

    8 IR-Sun Emission+Color
    This folder contains 27 files that can change the suns brightness (Luminance), Color and Visibility
    So first select the IR-Sun and at the very top there are 2 Icons to either make the sun visible or invisible
    (it wont affect the light the Sun throws out) there are also 2 sets of Luminance Icons, standard ones up the top and more extreme
    ones at the bottom of the folder, there are also icons that change the suns color to further affect the scenes appearance.

    9 IR-Adjusted MATS
    If you dont have the original "Iray SkyDome" and/or the "Super PAK 1" you can ignore this folder, because it wont work.
    If you do have those products intalled then this folder contains 2 folders for Ground and Water textures to be applied to the IR-Base,
    these tile the textures that are in the original  "Iray SkyDome, Super PAK 1" differently so they are completely compatible with
    the new Iray Worlds-Plus setup.

    Now one final thing that needs to be explained.... Select IR-Base, then select Parameters, then select Horizon-Morphs.
    You will now see 15 morphs for controlling the Horizons (there are now 5 Horizons).
    The biggest changes in this new Iray Worlds-Plus is
    1.Its smaller, but can easily be scaled to the original size.
    2.It contains a Skylight for more control over the overall lighting in the scene.
    3. It has more Horizons. There is a very good reason for all these additions, they are very powerful going forward.
    But right now the 5 horizons are not really in use, I have set it up so it operates like the original 2 Horizon "Iray-SkyDome".
    However if you play with these morphs you will get an idea of what they can do going forward.

    NOTE: If you experience any kind of computer slowdown when setting up using this product then switch the main preview window to
    "Texture Shaded" while you are moving things around and then back to "Nvidia Iray" to check it from time to time until you render it.

    Ok thats it for explaining how it all works, its very simple actually.
    Just read this explanation a bit and experiment a bit and you will be creating great scenes in no time.
    Happy Rendering

  • That's really nice. I definitely have a use for world building...

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,575

    This looks impressive.  I'll be watching out for it.  I'm sure I can mix and match it with TerraDome3 as well.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited August 2017

    Super excited about this! Even more so now that I read through the read me.

    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165
    edited August 2017

    Thanks guys...Yeah I built it so its very flexible going forward, the multiple horizons etc..., I can also hide the standard base and endless add relief style bases that have been sculpted.
    This is more realistic than morphs for a fair few reasons, you can emphasis detail exactly>
    I plan to build a lot of different plants too, and towns etc..all takes time but I had to get this part of it right first
    If you own the previous Iray Worlds...thats compatible too, in fact as I mentioned it adds even more textures

    Post edited by magix101 on
  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165

    Interface Images

    1300 x 1000 - 482K
    1300 x 1000 - 399K
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    I have your Worldbase XT and the Iray Worlds Skydome products and have always found them very useful. This looks even better, especially with the grass, vines, and other ground level foilage. Looking forward to its release.

  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165

    Another couple of wide angle images

    2800 x 1200 - 2M
    2800 x 1200 - 2M
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Do you know how long I've been waiting for fat, fat rooted trees to come along Magix?  Like FOREVER.  First time I ever saw one in a fantasy paining, by none other than Boris Valejo, I was in love with the concept.  I think it was from his Tarzan calendar way back when.  Looking forward to your release!

  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165
    edited August 2017

    Thanks RAMWolff

    Yep...I know what you mean!!
    The trees...especially the main one were kind of difficult, I like gnarly looking barks, pristine ones just dont look as interesting somehow.. the grass was the most challenging...trial and error...that seemed to go on endlessly
    Again worth it tho...adds to making something thats interesting.
    I will be working on horizons sometime soon..right now building a frangi tree.


    Post edited by magix101 on
  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165
    edited August 2017

    I'll have to check that painting.

    Post edited by magix101 on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I am just swinging by to drool over this a bit more lol.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249
    edited August 2017
    magix101 said:

    I'll have to check that painting.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165
    edited August 2017

    Hi Sonja..

    Its being tested now...I have tested it over and over myself, so hopefully it should be good.
    it can do a lot more than these images show, especially if you have the Skydome/SuperPak as well.
    I didnt use them in these images, didnt want to create false expectations...I barely also used the Skylight
    and the multiple horizons either...just tried to keep so I could get some decent images without too much extra effort

    Post edited by magix101 on
  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165
    edited August 2017

    I love that tree!!...thats given me some really good!!
    Great fantasy art....that tree especially would be pretty difficult to model...but not impossible  LOVE IT

    Post edited by magix101 on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Glad you love it as much as I do.  I know it would be difficult in allot of ways but I've always wanted a tree with huge "coming out of the ground" root system with varigated mosses all over the tops that could be used for sitting, fighting, sleeping..... real cool fantasy stuff. 

  • magix101magix101 Posts: 165
    edited August 2017
    RAMWolff said:

    Glad you love it as much as I do.  I know it would be difficult in allot of ways but I've always wanted a tree with huge "coming out of the ground" root system with varigated mosses all over the tops that could be used for sitting, fighting, sleeping..... real cool fantasy stuff. 

    Yep...So true that...its like that tree is almost a universe to itself...amazing, such a complexity of roots and moss etc...the lower section going to the ground almost reminds me of Alien...its very other worldly.
    And the light beams coming thru the cliffs in the backround...awesome
    I love that type of work!!


    Post edited by magix101 on
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited August 2017
    RAMWolff said:
    magix101 said:

    I'll have to check that painting.

    I'd love an easy one-click way of creating random jungle settings like this, for prehistoric, jungle combat and making 'Predator'-themed fan-art with. Some sets give you bits and pieces, but it can be a headache figuring out where to set them all, so that it doesn't look like any of them are accidentally levitating and unconnected to one another.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,050

    Thanks for the comprehensive answer and Read Me, Magix 101. I have Iray Worlds SkyDome and Super PAK, and I'm interested in maximizing them with Plus and Secret Valley once the former is released. Keep up the great work, and thanks for pushing boundaries.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I keep checking the store to see if its here yet lol. 

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