Sleep Away Camp on sale [Commercial]

Summer Camp, a summertime tradition. Learn to swim, play with fire, stay up all night and shoot arrows for fun. But there is a dangerous side thanks to Hollywood.
So this is one of those kit bash friendly sets, everything loads as props so you can render just what you need, use the land prop with no lake even. So enjoy all the fun minus the bugs and poison ivy.

2100 x 1320 - 3M
Post edited by Chohole on
What, no poison ivy? Poison oak? Hmm, I feel cheated. Just kidding- Looks like a fun set!
This looks awesome! I wasn't going to use anything similar, but this started the ideas flowing... :)
Looks cool. Great for all of the creepy camps
I've been to summer camps that look like that...Thankfully, we had a blast, no sign of Jason or any other creepy scary kind of monster lol.
It's was all fun and games until that guy with the hockey mask showed up! ; )
"don't play with that knife, you'll put your eye out!"
Great looking set!
Aint that the truth lol.
I remember the pranks and flash light tag, it was not coed so it was more PC than PG17. Good Ghost stories though!
I remember the horseback riding, crafts, the late night giggling, the terrible camp food lol. The bug bites, the campfires and the stories.
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I blocked out the food! I think it was mostly Mac and Chesse or maybe that was what we all whised for... I am off to make some Mac and Chesse now.
grilled cheese....The S'mores were always good though lol.
This would even work as an old or former bungalow colony. I lived in a converted cabin. Alongside some eclectic neighbors. Brings back some ...... interesting memories.
Thank you. I was desperate for a pillow shaped as though someone had put their head on it. Plenty of fresh, fluffed pillows. Not a few rumpled casual pillows. But none that looked like they were being used as pillows.
Not that that was my only reason to grab it.
Happy to help with memories and pillows! You can rent cabins like this in our state parks as well, a form of Glamping.
The material that would give you an issue is the water, and Lights, They need to be set to glow. They are the sure things you would need to change but the structures all will do fine. There are bump maps in the set that work in 3Dlight standing in for the Normal maps, which work great in the displacement channel. here is a video a fellow PA made that will help you do it fast and painlessly.