Have any fellow Carraraists ever attended the SIGGRAPH conference? I'd be curious to hear about your experience.
I'm contemplating some vacation time and am wondering if I should zip over to Anaheim, California in July to check this out...
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Have any fellow Carraraists ever attended the SIGGRAPH conference? I'd be curious to hear about your experience.
I'm contemplating some vacation time and am wondering if I should zip over to Anaheim, California in July to check this out...
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I've never gone, myself, but from seeing posted images and all the stuff that goes on there, I'd start planning, and just go. You'll love it - it's a way of life. The white zone is for loading and unloading only.
I have gone and I'm glad I did... Wandering through the vendor area's was a joy. I got to peek at a lot of stuff that was going to be coming out and listen to the reps for different companies talk about what they were doing. Sadly, I haven't had a chance to go back.
Boojum the borwn bunny
I Have been several times everybody who's anybody in 3D animation etc is there try to get there early the first day of the exhibition you can register at free for exhibits only if you have a vendor code from someone you have purchased software or hardware from. All the cutting edge stuff is exhibited . Lots of presentations etc I have seen DAZ there in the past . Well worth the time I have spent there . Hope you make it an enjoy
I spy a Zappa fan.
Thanks for the feedback gang! I've been nudged a bit closer toward registering and going... :lol: It's a bit pricey for the whole shooting match; but I think that I can swing it. It'd be worth it if DAZ puts up a booth -- I'd love to chat with those guys.
I've never really been to California either (unless you count the link in LAX when I was 5 years old and headed to Canada...).
Hi Garstor :)
My only experience of Anaheim was as an exhibitor, so,. not as much fun,.
E3 was better, and more fun,. but that's a different venue.
I've never been, but my son has been to the last three (and will probably be at this one), and he loves it!! He really enjoys the technical sessions as well as the vendor show. From everything he has told me, just be sure to wear a bib, so you don't drool on everything. Oh, be prepared for information overload as well.
That would be nice. I spend the entire week there or just a few days?
Maybe PM Spooky and see if Daz3d will be there - if that would help your decision. But I think that they were going to attend one year, and had to back out and offered the booth to the PAs. I know a few, like Dimension Theory, perhaps 3dage and others... FeralFey, maybe(?) showed up and put on a great demonstration. Oh, Emperor Ken (Ken Guilliland), the Songbird Remix fella, might have been one of them...?
It might have not even been SIGGRAPH... Oh well. Use the force... let it guide your way! :smirk:
That was last year, and DAZ 3D did have a lot on their plate at the time. :roll: They have been at previous ones.
...there is always NewTek and LightWave if DAZ doesn't show... :coolgrin:
I'd better fire up the calculator and start putting the costs together. One cool thing with my new company ownership -- we're allowed to use the company travel portal for booking personal trips. That should hopefully score me some airline discounts.
Make sure you include enough to get me and EP some presents. You can't go away on a fun trip like that without buying us presents! :ahhh:
Of course! It would be rude not to! :)
I wonder what kind of swag the vendors give out...Microsoft shows were usually totally awesome that way...
Maybe PM Spooky and see if Daz3d will be there - if that would help your decision. But I think that they were going to attend one year, and had to back out and offered the booth to the PAs. I know a few, like Dimension Theory, perhaps 3dage and others... FeralFey, maybe(?) showed up and put on a great demonstration. Oh, Emperor Ken (Ken Guilliland), the Songbird Remix fella, might have been one of them...?
It might have not even been SIGGRAPH... Oh well. Use the force... let it guide your way! :smirk:
Just found a link to this
I submitted these:
Wow. Watching Dimension Theory's video was cool. Reminds me of how cool our PAs are. Like, at that time FeralFey and I were discussing all sorts of stuff about swordplay, Elele was still in the process of working on that set of poses shown with the white male and female Genesis figures in the film along with Raw Art and the others making all of those great shapes with it. Horo and Brinnen showing off Bryce like nobody can... it's amazing what Bryce can do, and those images really illustrate its incredible potential. Dimension Theory (Jeffrey Felt) always demonstrating new ways to make Carrara do exactly what it was designed to do - but nobody's been there yet - same with Age of Armor. Extru-D was another big one for pushing Carrara's buttons and Tim Payne had all those beautiful scenes - I love his fantasy and surreal work - and his forum thread that kind of turned into an "Ask Tim Payne" sort of thing, teaching us all about the sky editor... Blondie's sassy wit mixed with killer images - her and FeralFey with FeralFey's obsession for bacon! lol Yeah... and that's when I learned from an Age of Armor thread about morphing Genesis using the DS > Hexagon bridge... Good times! I wanna go too!
Oh and Ken G had a huge promotion going on about Hawaiian stuff, sending all sorts of funds from it to charity... posting images along the way. Everyone contributing what they could... it was huge! Simon and his morphs... man. Yeah... Muscle Man! Kevin running around having to manage all of us berserkers! Dan even came in all pumped about this and that. Pam and Rich keeping us civil while Spooky was cracking various whips on the Carrara 8.5beta team!
"I got it... it's in there!" "Good 'cause I need you to work this in!" lol Ahhhh I love Daz3d!!!
I went to SIGRRAPH in 2010 and can't tell you enough how much I enjoyed it! It was a HUGE "3d candy store" and I was like a sugar-starved little kid. I didn't have the money to attend the workshops I was interested in but there was plenty else to keep me busy.
Maybe PM Spooky and see if Daz3d will be there - if that would help your decision. But I think that they were going to attend one year, and had to back out and offered the booth to the PAs. I know a few, like Dimension Theory, perhaps 3dage and others... FeralFey, maybe(?) showed up and put on a great demonstration. Oh, Emperor Ken (Ken Guilliland), the Songbird Remix fella, might have been one of them...?
It might have not even been SIGGRAPH... Oh well. Use the force... let it guide your way! :smirk:
Yes, I was there along with Ryverthorn, Mr and Mrs. Nerd3d and Phoenix1966 running the DAZ PA booth last year. Chances are that Ryverthorn, the Nerd's and I will be there at least one of the days.
Cool! Then I'll book the flight, etc. just as soon as I figure out my companies new travel portal! It'll be nice to see California...even if it is just a convention center... SIGGRAPH sounds like it will be a blast.
Just meeting up with and talking shop with the above mentioned attendees would be worth the entire thing, for me. What a privilege that will be! Meeting the Mighty Sir Garstor in September - hopefully joined by that other knightly Carraraist - is a great anticipation for me. We'll have to get some group shots of that! Oh... speaking of which, are you bringing a camera? Can you?
One of these years I'll have to check that out myself. Wear a nice DAZ3D T-Shirt and Carrara Cap! ;-)
I've been attending SIGGRAPH fairly regularly since maybe the early 90's as I recall. Though not much in recent years as I'm trying to fully retire....
And while it's not nearly as wonderful as it was in its heyday (late 90's), it's still worth a trip especially if you haven't been before. Unfortunately the economy has forced big cutbacks in that and many other cool conferences.
That being said, I'd strongly recommend you try to attend more than just the exhibits. There's a boatload of other stuff to do there, and if you have even the slightest interest in more than just DAZ and Carrara it's a great opportunity to see some interesting presentations, meet some of the pioneers in the industry, talk to the industry guys who develop the code and algorithms that the DAZ guys probably copy for the most part when developing Carrara, and learn what they were thinking when they wrote all this stuff, etc.
And if it's in Anaheim this year you can't go wrong...there's so much stuff to do outside the conference there it's mind boggling.
Like I say, way back when, the guys who were pioneering this stuff were discovering and figuring out the stuff we take for granted today, and you could hear them explain why they decided to do what they did for many of the tools and features we use on a regular basis. Nowadays it's become, at least to me, a bit more esoteric and more whiz bang, but that's just me.
Anyway, I'd suggest you try to find free passes for all of this stuff. They're fairly easy to come by with a little legwork. I'd be glad to provide some, but I tend to reserve that stuff for my friends and those who are nice to me.... :)
If there is any DAZ swag at SIGGRAPH, I'll be sure to get some for you too!
Brah, no!
Save your $$$ for a good time for yourself! Take some great pics for us! ;-)
You rock, Garstor!