registration issue

I swear to God...I swear to god're better off stealing the dam software than buying them!!! Because the only person these dam REGISTRATION TRAPS SCREW....IS THE PAYING CUSTOMER!!!!
I just build a new machine..loaded windows seven and none...not a single software I bought and installed on my old Vista retired ...can be installed on this new machine because of these registration traps!!
Can anybody tell me how to get C8 running....I keep getting invalid code message ...and now I can only run the software in a limited trail mode!!
I'm extremely frustrated with C8, Toonboom, Messiah, Quicktime pro, Silo, Autodesk sketckbook, and maybe Hexagon
Jesus Christ they expect people to keep their computers...forever ???!!
Go to your Daz3d account, look to the left: "My Daz Serial Codes", or whatever it says. You'll find your numbers in there.
Note: There is no right-click paste for SN. But 'Ctrl V' (Cmd V for Mac) does paste.
Ctrl C =Copy
Ctrl V = Paste
Thanks but I already did this.
I also took a lot of prudence saving all my registrtion codes, it's not that I cannot find the codes, its that they don't work.
run as admin works on some windows types, otherise it won't remember your serial code
huh....Not sure I understand, does this means I will have to re-install C8?
currently I'm using the limited trial mode (expires in 30 dayts) which prompts you for registration on each start.
You won't need to reinstall, just Run As Administrator once to enter the serial code. After that you can go back to running it normally.
I tried that (run as administrater) and it starts with the trial alert every time.
Whats worse now is...after several un-install and re-installation it no longer asks me for registration codes on the first goes right to the trial mode ...WTF???
'ello Sue25, guess it's time for you to spill the beans.
. Mac or Pc?
What version of Carrara you trying to install?
What operating system?
For Messiah, I installed my magic number on a usb stick so I could swap it between computers.
PS best not to use wtf, when the admin is trying to help you
Oh..I'm on a PC, with Win-7, 64 bit version and I'm trying to install the said version of C8.
I've gone online several times to download the file directly, but no luck. I may need to clean up some registry issues because something is telling C8 even after an uninstall that I've installed it before, and therefore the system just dumps me to the trial version without asking for any registration code on the first start. Yikes ...I'm trying not to start screwing my new machine!!
hmm best not to play with the registry, ....
I suppose you know that there is the trial beta and the "real" Carrara 8.1 something/?
maybe it has somethingh to do with that. ?
ie they have different serials
Hi Sue25 :)
The reason it's continuing to ask for the serial number can only be that you're not set as the "Administrator", and don't have administrator rights to that system, to allow you to install and register applications.
If you Right Click, on the Carrara installer,. you should see some options in the pop up menu,. one of these should be "Run as Administrator"
use that method to install Carrara, as an administrator
Win 7 is a pain when it comes to User account control, and sometimes it's worth disabling it.
You can go to the Control panel,. user accounts and set / change you User Account Control. (see pic)
If Carrara is loading,.(Demo/Trial,.. or Full version) then you can go to the Little "Daz3D Triangle logo" (at the top left of the screen) see pic...
then select register Carrara,... then type or copy/paste, your serial number. Carrara should say that it needs to restart to set the serial number.
NOTE: The Demo/Trial version of Carrara,. is the same program, as the Full Pro Version of Carrara 8,..
There's no need to install carrara 8 over the existing (trial/demo) version,... unless the one you're installing is a newer version.
Warning: unless you really know what you're doing,.. don't edit your system registry,. there's no need to.
Hope it helps :)
Type in you code manually and see if that works and follow the advice that was given about Running as an Admin and User settings. Even if you are logged in as an Admin make sure you are right clicking and choosing to run the as an Admin.
One problem with copying and pasting is that you can sometime end up with an added blank space before or after the code that can cause problems. I've had that happen a few times in the past.
Also, check to make sure you have no security software running during the install and when you input the serial code. Some security software can cause problems.
Finally check you UAC (User Account Control) settings. They can cause a problems. Those can get changed or may need to be adjusted even if you are an Admin and running the program as an Admin.
Since you are using Windows 7 I will mention one problem with the serial codes requiring to be reentered for some Plugins, Architools & the ones Advanced Pack does exist. If you do have any of those plugins get the newest ones from Inagoni's site, as the versions that the installers for them you would download from the DAZ site are not the current version of them. Inagoni fixed that bug a while back, but that tech issues comes up often on the forums.
Daz's support s very good if something else is going on. Use phone support and don't let the person who answers the phone go and try and disconnected you and have you just file a support ticket online. The techs on the phone can check and consult with others, look stuff up, in databases,etc. while looking at what is wrong.
I've tried what you guys suggest several times and nothing works!! No matter how many times I un-install and re-install the software it no longer ask me to register on the first start, it just dumps into the trial mode. Also, when I try to register in the trial mode the field with my name is already pre-populated if this thing already recognize me.
This is so very very frustrating ....Good God almighty we are NO LONGER LIVING IN THE 90's!!! Back then you had only one computer ...and you kept it for a long time!! At any given instant I have 5 computers in my house...and I'm the only user!! The computer is a disposable equipment today...these 80's style method no longer WORK!!!
I'm looking out my ....@#@%$....window ...and I see no gangs of CARRARA THIEVES OUT THERE!!!
Stop trying to mimic the the dam music indusry failed method of protecting their no longer works!!!
Listen DAZ...the only person these old stale methods hurts are the PAYING dam IDIOTS!!!
That info doesn't get uninstalled. You also have info stored at my documents/DAZ3d. Once you uninstall carrara hunt down appdata/roaming/DAZ3D delete the carrara 8 folder.
DAZ has always put this info in out of the way places. Don't want you deleting them by accident.
Did what you suggest didn't work.
I just built my machine...all the parts bought new. I bought a $120 downloadable OEM version on Win-7...and you know how that works...right?.
Install it once and you're pretty much on your own with it.....break it and you're done!! When you start manually deleting stuff from your's never good!!
I searched and deleted a few Carrara folders and re-installed C8 with the same results!!
If you bought a car from a dealer ...and he mandated that you must park it only in your garage ...and if you don't ....he's going lock the
F^%#KING DOOR you can't get in would that make you feel?
CARRARA.... ToonBoom...Messiah.....none of them is working.because of this same dam TRAP!!
With my new build..I also picked up a YIYNOVA - MSP19U tablet...and I can't unbox the dam thing to try it out because of this....this is not right!!!
I already paid you SOB's for the software ...I PAID YOU!!!! >:(
My suggestion is shut down the machine, take a rest and start anew in the morning.
Sometimes shutting down the computer does wonders because if one is connected online, the updates can interfere with installing new software if it hasn't had a chance to update - well that's my theory - gremlins.
A good night's sleep always helps in my opinion.
The system registry seems to be protected by the OS or other program(security software etc.) which doesn't let the serial(s) number get setup. I would check OS admin settings, UAC settings that maybe blocking or restricting writing to the system registry. Every forum topic for serials, at least that I've read, has been an OS related issue or other program interference. I agree though, about some extreme protection schemes(DRM etc.) these days. But DAZ is very user friendly about this(imho).
If DAZ was user friendly you wouldn't have to call in a comp tech to do a simple clean reinstall. One of the biggest issues I have with DAZ apps is a clean reinstall is a serious chore. Best you can do is uninstall then search your comp for hidden DAZ folders that contain the info you are trying to delete with the reinstall. And I mean do an HDD search, every time I have it down to where DAZ hides this info, DAZ finds some place else to hide it.
Why? Limited time trials of apps. Once your time is up DAZ doesn't want it to be easy to delete that info so you can just do the time trial again. Yes, that is pure speculation but I can't come up with any other reason for these hide and seek games DAZ plays.
I thank you guys for trying to help, at this stage I've decided to post a message on their help site. Regardless of how this end, I still believe this madness has to end, why does the software industry think it should punish their customers?
I have a clean pristine install of my Windows-7 OEM buy, I truly don't want to be screwing around in my program files and making manual deletions, and end up messing up my system!!
This practice has to end don't buy a shirt, a shoes, etc. and the seller then tell you where you can wear it ..and what you can and cannot do with it!! The vendor has no right to hide stuff on your HD ....THIS IS WHAT A VIRUS DOES!!
I know nobody interesting in 3D or 2D art, I buy these product for my personal use ...this is just not right!!
Much as I hate it's now time for the government to truly step in and regulate these people ..because I'm having similar problems with several other product.
You should be able to buy a software ...and install it on 10,000 computers, as long as you're the only user. If I want to upgrade my machine every 2 years...and want to use C8 for the next 20 years ....I should have that right!!
Maybe it's time download Blender, and go to Amazon and buy a guide-manual!!
HI Sue25 :)
I hear your frustration,. and sympathise,..
You shouldn't need to uninstall the Trial/Demo,. (it;'s the same program a the FULL PRO version of Carrara,. and your serial number unlocks it.
If you've run to the end of the 30 day trial,. then it should still allow you to "Register Carrara" by adding your serial number, by clicking n the Daz Logo (see pic)
Your name will be there,. all you need to do is add your Carrara 8 serial number4 from your store Account, and the program will change from Trial/demo,.. to Carrara 8, Standard or Pro, based on your serial number.
You need to be running the program as "Administrator" to allow the serial number to be retained,
To do that,.. you right click on the Carrara shortcut, and select "run as Administrator" from the menu options.
If Win7's UAC (user account control) causes any problems in doing that,. simply disable it in the Control panel / user accounts / change user account control settings.
Serial numbers are added to your programs to ensure that you have a legitimate copy of the product. as well as deterring software piracy. that's a practice which applies to most commercial software,. it's not something new to Daz3D.
If you want to remove Carrara completely from your system,.
First,.. uninstall the main Carrara application, and the native content installers
next,. remove the Preferences file (created after installation by the user) by going to...
Users \ Your name \ Appdata \ Roaming \ Daz3D \ Carrara 8
and remove the preferences file.
While there's still some registration info "that you've Run the Trial version" saved within your machine,. this shouldn't prevent you from installing a Full version of Carrara, and registering it.
It will stop you from re installing the trail version to get another 30 days of using carrara for free.
that's what it's designed to do.
Hope it helps :)
If DAZ was user friendly you wouldn't have to call in a comp tech to do a simple clean reinstall. One of the biggest issues I have with DAZ apps is a clean reinstall is a serious chore. Best you can do is uninstall then search your comp for hidden DAZ folders that contain the info you are trying to delete with the reinstall. And I mean do an HDD search, every time I have it down to where DAZ hides this info, DAZ finds some place else to hide it.
Why? Limited time trials of apps. Once your time is up DAZ doesn't want it to be easy to delete that info so you can just do the time trial again. Yes, that is pure speculation but I can't come up with any other reason for these hide and seek games DAZ plays.
By user friendly I mean that, compared to other software protections, DAZ software installs do not require; having to make new accounts/passwords, join clubs, require internet, subscriptions, limit number of installs, special hardware, DRM/CD checks, time limited expired serial after every uninstall, or limit installs to specific computers etc. Carrara also runs very well on low end systems.
I agree that many software installs embed deep into a system where its VERY difficult to remove leftover files, but Im guessing is it mainly for protection of the OS or installed programs. The only easy ways I know to get around any leftover hidden issues is,...before the install, make a backup of the system or use specific software that is setup to watch/monitor the install(s).
I just un-installed the program, and tried to navigate to the path you suggested "(Users \ Your name \ Appdata \ Roaming \ Daz3D \ Carrara 8)".
This path does not exist on my system, what i do see related to C8 is...................... Users/my name/My Documents/DAZ 3D / Carrara 8.5/My presets. In the preset folders there are 7 folders:
My Artwork
My Clips
My Constraints
My Effects
My Modifiers
My Objects
My Shaders
Also what I should point out is ...while i did several installs and un-installations no time during the installations did I changed the default file path selected by C8 for installation.
I kept good records..I had the serial number backed up in my personal files prior to this conversion. In addition I went back to DAZ website and double check the number. I copied and paste, hand-typed in the number several times ....nothing works!!
I tried run as administrator...I uninstalled and right click on the installation file and selected run as administrator, I tried opening the file as an administrator. I check the settings in Win-7 and I am the only user and the administrator
Even if I'm using the file as trial, I see where at any point you can go to the registration link, did that many times and it does not work. Personally, I think its unacceptable to start using the program in trial mode. Something is wrong, and I need to fix it.
Do you have folders unhidden? I was not kidding when I said it was hidden.
Open any folder, tools/folder options/view/show hidden folders.
desktop/your comp name/appdata/roaming.
HI Sue25 :)
Yes, it does,'s just not visible to you,. but I was expecting to see that reply,.. because it does point to an issue.
Type in the location, and you'll see that it's actually there.
This folder only holds the preferences file. so it's not a big deal,. but it does tell me that you're account settings are the issue if you can't see the AppData folder.
It's a windows folder, so it's system protected. (hidden from users) by default.
Carrara has only one program,. it's the Full "Pro" version,. it's also the "Standard" version, and it's also the "30 day trial" version.
the 30 day trial,.. functions as the Full "pro" application for 30 day's, then (if a serial number has been added) it'll function as Standard or Pro.
The serial number Opens the different features, once it's accepted,.
If you run the trial for the full 30 day's it'll time-out,. until you add a valid serial number to unlock it.
Try disabling the windows user account control , and also check your account settings, administrator privileges etc..
Hope it helps :)
These links ought to help.
How to show Hidden Files & Folders
How to turn off your UAC.
One other thing you can check is if the date is correct for the system(OS and BIOS). If I recall, I forgot that one time.
Folks ...I thank you all for trying to help....I really like this forum, but I think it's time to end this thread.
I'm going to have to go back and take a closer look at things, the answer... as it often is...may be quite simple. I just got done building a new machine, plus setting up my old machine to run you can see why I'm frustrated with this issue.
In addition, I have to be careful messing with the new operating (WIN-7) system because I have an unsupported OEM license, when you're manually deleting stuff ...bad things can happen.
At least I know one thing...the inability to install the software is not a deliberate effort by DAZ, unlike ToonBoom that stops me from installing their software with a "2-activation limit"....error message.
I will be back!!
This may sound silly but you didn't download Carrara 8.5 and trying to put 8.1 serial in are you?
HI Sue25 :)
One other point,..
Since you've been running the 30 day Trial version,... Which doesn't have any serial number,...
there should be no reason to edit the system registry to remove any serial number, or other info about the trial version ,.
You should still be able to install a Full product,. Over a Trial version,. ..or,..Activate the trial version with a Valid serial number.
There's also no need to edit or change any Windows system files,..
I still think there's some UAC or other "protective control system" which is denying you the right to install and register applications.
Hope you get it sorted :)
I remembered you mentioned Hexagon in one post and I recalled this in regards to serials with it.
When the newest build was released DAZ gave Hexagon a new serial. You'll have in your My Serials section of your account 2 different serials for Hexagon and they won't be right next to each other. One is for the older builds and the other is for the newest build. So if your hexagon serial isn't being accepted try the other Hexagon serial.