why G3 and G8 crash carrara

No I don't have an answer, but MistyLaraPrincess apparently does and says she will post the reason why illustrated. She also put up a freebie Carrara Compatible Character Preset for Genesis 8 Female. Now mods if I am out of bounds here please let me know. I can't link but if you go to Rendo the Carrara group forums if she gets enough reponses she will post the reasons illustrated.
sets out party snacks and buffet table, coffee dripped, perc , french pressed
I know, let's eat
Wonder where I might find that freebie for Carrara G8F?? Knew it was being worked on.
g8f beta thread
g8m beta in progress
well spilled the beans so to speak, kitteh out of the bag,
dunno if i should finish g8m preset?
Don't bother me... busy building ketteh sized time machine.
kitteh TARDIS
I checked out your thread over at Rendo and I have no idea what you did... so just because you know doesn't mean that some of us mere mortals know what to do.. so keep on keeping on for those of us that have no idea
Please finish it! Johnathan and Janette breathed new life into my rendering hobby. I was about to give up on Carrara when you released them. I won't admit how much G3 stuff I bough t since. You should release G8M and G6F for sale too. I'd buy them in a minute.
Thanks for everything.
someone over there asking bout c85 and mac sierra
sierra be the desert covering most of north Africa :)
refreshing beverage too i think
Ford car released on the European market.
more environmentally friendly than releasing the krakken
Not sure if Ford cars are environmentally friendly. We used to call them Dagenham Dustbins, even though they weren't all made at the Dagenham plant.
If you got one that kept having problems then you would say that you had obviously got one that had been made by the Friday night shift.
The Sierra line did last for 10 years before they stopped making them so must have been reasonable.
I had one once, it was a good car - hideous colour though, looking back!
It's strange Sierra is one model from that era that I never owned, or even drove. Had Anglia, Consul classic, (those both joint with No1 Hubby). Then went on to have Mk1 Cortina, Mk3 Cortina and a Corsair myself. before graduating to Company vehicles.
It was the favourite car of ram-raiders in the 90s and early 2000's... don't ask me why.
The real question is - why do you know this?!!
Didn't you have this up north? Bristol was notorious for this kind of thing... having come from the US at first in 1992, I found it shocking that these toe-rag kids were given a slap on the wrist for stealing the car, then using it to bash a beer/wine store to get the bottles, but more importantly... cartons of cigarettes!!! With cigarettes behind steel shutters now to restrict access to minors 'seeing' them, guess that took the fun out of it.
More recently, it's been kids on mopeds/motorycles with sledge-hammers attacking jewellery stores in broad daylight, or more commonly to snatch a mobile phone out of someone's hands who is walking along Thank goodness the acid-throwers haven't come here... yet.
(Long explanation for benefit of non UK people... but I find it disgusting that minors are not tried as adults when they can drive a moped and commit adult crimes!!!)
Just as long as you weren't a ram raider yourself and that is how you know!
Sorry, Phil... I didn't see that it was meant as humorous and should have.. my funny bone is not working this week. My sis in law in Florida has not answered my emails about the hurricanes, so I don't know if she will go or stay... am a bit worried! xx Silene
duplicate post
Yes, worrying times for anyone in that area.
On this side of the pond, the Sierra I'm familar with was a truck; I actually have one sitting in the driveway rusting slowly away.
i am groot