Saving scene and scene subset for use in Carrara

I loaded the DAZ Tortoise into DAZ Studio's latest version and set a few poses.
Then saved as a Scene - when I bring that into Carrara, I see the tortoise's animated skeleton / bones show up, but not the tortoise itself.
If I save as a scene subset, I'm not able to find that file in Carrara's browser; if I import the file, though, I get the same behavior (just the animated skeleton shows up)
Tried opening Tortoise inside of Carrara and the looking under Animation tab for a way to attach skeleton - but it's greyed out.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm using the previous Beta of DS. I did'nt try loading as a scene... instead, like you did, a scene subset. Loaded fine and is visible see pics.
In DS Your saved scenes go into your scenes folder in your daz library,. (My Library / Scenes)
Carrara can open DUF files, so you should be able to load the scene file (DUF)
According to the product page (if it's the galapagos tortoise) the product is compatible with Poser and Daz3D Studio.
You should be able to "Skip" the studio version completely,. and use the Poser version,.
that should load in from your Content /"My library Runtime"
Thanks for the replies - still not sure what the problem is.
My Scene subset is showing up in my Carrara content now (had tried 'update folder' a few times, so not sure why it didn't show up right away). But the scene subset gives the same results, where I just see an animated skeleton rather than the tortoise itself. (screenshot attached).
In the hierarchy under the Instances / Scene tab, Under tortois, there's a blank line (no title) - and when I clicked on that, Carrara showed a nil pointer error (though not doing that consistently)
When in DAZ Studio, do I need to load the poser version of the tortoise? (and if so, how do I make sure I'm doing that?) I simply loaded the Tortoise cr2 file in Studio.
Also, to be clear - I am able to simply load the Tortoise directly inside of Carrara and animate it there. But I wanted to use some of the DAZ Studio animation tools (Puppeteer is more robust in studio). I am able to simply bring the motion in via converting to an aniblock and using aniblock importer - but I wanted to figure out what was going wrong, so I could understand proper setup in the future.
Tracked down problem with Richard Haseltine's help - if I load Poser version in DAZ Studio, that does NOT come into Carrara properly.
If I load DAZ version in DAZ Studio, that does come in as whole figure (not just skeleton)
Have to go do some testing with animation now, but think that was the issue.