A Carrara Eclipse

apparently in some parts of the world there is going to be a total sun eclipse..
got me thinking how to do that in Carrara
post your way of doing it
I used a tourus and a sphere primitive.. one globe and lighting effects for this attempt
Fun idea, but you are not supposed to look at it. Instead, could poke a hole in a shoebox.
I made a crescent shaped vertex object as an anything glows (cylinder primitive inside anything glows object to cast shadow), and modeled a shoebox with a hole. Also used a tube light for the scene in general.
well that's pretty convincing!
nice lateral thinking :) out of the box so to speak
Wow... there's a memory... I did that when I was about 10 years old ... ended up being a cloudy day and notice anything different.... lol
misty, without looking I'm guessing that's Bonnie Tyler.....
Thanks, I couldn't get as much flare as I wanted though....
great idea I am working on a resurrection scene, this could come in handy
Pink Floyd used to use an animation of an eclipse to accompany the song of the same name (Eclipse from Dark Side of the Moon).
I am very jealous of anyone in the US who will see it live - I kind of saw one in 1999, it was unforgetable - even though it clouded over at the critical moment! Make the most of the opportunity - but as has been said, use special solar glasses, Carrara is loads more difficult to use if you have been blinded...
I've never seen eclipse but I once got a chance to take video of a red moon rising over the Volga on Tanabata 2009
Vyusur - that is a beautiful video, and I love the music. If I get some time, I might try to do a river scene with a moon like that. I like how the river shimmers at the base of the frame. Very inspiring.
Where I live, the moon will cover just over 80% of the sun. I got the special glasses from a nearby museum and will watch some of it from my roof. Unfortunately, it is very hot and humid here this time of year, so there is a good chance that clouds and thunderstorms will form, even though no big storm system is forcast. Afternoon thunderstorms are part of every afternoon this time of year. Hoping the weather holds up enough to get a good view.
Beautiful! A full solar eclipse is in a different league to a lunar eclipse, I hope that as many as possible will take advantage to see it.
Thank you, Diomede!
It's looking spectacular on TV - wish I was there!
how many retinas are going to get damaged?
I looked out my office window and there were a bunch of people standing on top of the parking garage looking up at the sky trading a single pair of glasses between them.
I just got back from viewing it at the University of Arizona here in Tucson - the mall was packed full of people. I actually got kind of emotional...good thing I had those dark glases on...
Weather cooperated. Great experience. Could see people up on some of the surrounding roofs. Fun.
Missed it... seen the last one Feb. 26, 1979 at work.
Just added a Solar Eclipse Challenge in my Animation in Carrara - Let's Animate - Q&A - Come One & All at this HERE post. Come and let's see what you come up with for your anim.
I don't think Stezza would mind if you linked your anim to this thread... don't matter to me... let's get animating!