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ManStanManStan Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

And still no update to the beta >:(


  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited December 1969

    DAZ Spooky said yesterday in the top sticky thread that he's working on getting us a new build.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    DAZ Spooky said yesterday in the top sticky thread that he's working on getting us a new build.

    I can't actually make a response to that that wouldn't get pulled.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    DAZ Spooky said yesterday in the top sticky thread that he's working on getting us a new build.

    I can't actually make a response to that that wouldn't get pulled.
    Seriously... like what would be preventing it?

    (...ok I can think of one thing preventing it, and that's the current REAL beta being more buggy than .172)

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    DAZ Spooky said yesterday in the top sticky thread that he's working on getting us a new build.

    I can't actually make a response to that that wouldn't get pulled.

    Seriously... like what would be preventing it?

    (...ok I can think of one thing preventing it, and that's the current REAL beta being more buggy than .172)

    History ;)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969


    500 x 375 - 27K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Yeah! You tell 'em, Pam! :-P
  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    And still no season two of Firefly.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    And still no season two of Firefly.
    I want at least five more seasons. Gorram Feds hadda go an blow it ET. Not Shiny!
  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    And still no season two of Firefly.
    I want at least five more seasons. Gorram Feds hadda go an blow it ET. Not Shiny!
    Not shiny at all.
  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    And still no season two of Firefly.
    I want at least five more seasons. Gorram Feds hadda go an blow it ET. Not Shiny!

    Not shiny at all.

    I just don't know why DAZ never takes us seriously.

    The show suffered from a split personality, couldn't make up it's mind if it wanted to be a space opera or a horse opera. Even the actors worried the next episode would be the last, and when it didn't find an audience it got the ax. And if one of the producers hadn't been a good friend of the writer it never would have made it past the pilot.
    And speaking of pilot, there was a show that got canceled that mystifies me to this day. Farscape got canceled in it's 4th season when it was the highest rated Scifi on TV at the time. What network in it's right mind cancels their highest rated show?

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    Farscape got canceled in it's 4th season when it was the highest rated Scifi on TV at the time. What network in it's right mind cancels their highest rated show?

    It was probably very expensive..., and the longer shows run the more expensive they get as actors get contract raises, etc. Those expenses carry over into DVD and downloads too, so it grows geometrically.

    I liked the Western/Sci-fi blend of Firefly. It made sense that most of the planets (they were probably moons) had harsh environments, and there was the idea that these worlds hadn't been populated long enough to be urbanized... what felt tacked on was the whole psychic police and guys with the blue gloves. That made it X-Files/Magical Powers which just lost me emotionally to have a protagonist AND antagonists that are so removed from the rest of the show...

    Also getting tired of Josh Wheadon thinking that interesting female characters all must have magic powers AND be a ninja... Come on - even Superman has a weakness or two... Making them all immature girl-women controlled by a mysterious kabal is also getting boring. I can see where he was being tapped to direct WONDER WOMAN but I think that ship has sailed. I really am not interested in a Wonder Woman that punches a tank in the face - it's an oversimplification of the world's problems.... I'm sure everyone will disagree with me on this one, LOL.

  • tbwoqtbwoq Posts: 238
    edited December 1969

    Recent activity in the Bug Tracker, even on some of my oldest reports. If someones confirming issues, someones working on a new beta hopefully. :coolsmile:

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    tbwoq said:
    Recent activity in the Bug Tracker, even on some of my oldest reports. If someones confirming issues, someones working on a new beta hopefully. :coolsmile:
    ...and a new season of Firefly?
    C'mon, Holly, River Tamm had serious, Serious weaknesses! Two by two, hands of blue... lol!
    Love that show, Rosie and I both! But you all know I'm a bit of insanity, myself. Firefly-class: Serenity, is just the cutest darned spaceship I've ever laid eyes on, too! The nine member crew was beautifully cast. I really wish the more unfolding was allowed via several seasons.
  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    tbwoq said:
    Recent activity in the Bug Tracker, even on some of my oldest reports. If someones confirming issues, someones working on a new beta hopefully. :coolsmile:
    ...and a new season of Firefly?
    C'mon, Holly, River Tamm had serious, Serious weaknesses! Two by two, hands of blue... lol!
    Love that show, Rosie and I both! But you all know I'm a bit of insanity, myself. Firefly-class: Serenity, is just the cutest darned spaceship I've ever laid eyes on, too! The nine member crew was beautifully cast. I really wish the more unfolding was allowed via several seasons.
    Yes, I loved the dialog especially. That's one aspect of all Weadon's shows that is always amazing... Fox apparently insisted on running the show out of order (!)... And omg how in love was I with Jane? And Gina Torres... Yes, perfect casting all around. Some of the episodes clunked but always zippy and witty dialog.... Star Trek was the original space western, "wagontrain to the stars" LOL

    There was even a cow episode. What's not to love?

  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited March 2013

    tbwoq said:
    Recent activity in the Bug Tracker, even on some of my oldest reports. If someones confirming issues, someones working on a new beta hopefully. :coolsmile:
    ...and a new season of Firefly?
    C'mon, Holly, River Tamm had serious, Serious weaknesses! Two by two, hands of blue... lol!
    Love that show, Rosie and I both! But you all know I'm a bit of insanity, myself. Firefly-class: Serenity, is just the cutest darned spaceship I've ever laid eyes on, too! The nine member crew was beautifully cast. I really wish the more unfolding was allowed via several seasons.

    Yes, I loved the dialog especially. That's one aspect of all Weadon's shows that is always amazing... Fox apparently insisted on running the show out of order (!)... And omg how in love was I with Jane? And Gina Torres... Yes, perfect casting all around. Some of the episodes clunked but always zippy and witty dialog.... Star Trek was the original space western, "wagontrain to the stars" LOL

    There was even a cow episode. What's not to love?

    Whedon's dialogue writing skills made the Buffy series extremely fun to watch. Marty Noxon had a lot to do with Buffy, too, and she's also a great writer. I missed out on the series you guys are raving about as I was always working when it was on and I had given up tape delaying stuff by that time. One of these days I'll watch it. I do have the movie but it's still in shrink wrap. :( I Bought it on sale and that was when I was working 30 hours more a week compared to the 47+ I work now.)

    They put the kick butt stuff in these days to grab a male audience and to make it more marketable overseas. Action does better over there. That's also a reason why on most fantasy shows the women are usually fully dressed so they can sell the show better overseas in some of the stricter markets.

    Post edited by Kevin Sanderson on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    Farscape got canceled in it's 4th season when it was the highest rated Scifi on TV at the time. What network in it's right mind cancels their highest rated show?

    It was probably very expensive..., and the longer shows run the more expensive they get as actors get contract raises, etc. Those expenses carry over into DVD and downloads too, so it grows geometrically.

    I liked the Western/Sci-fi blend of Firefly. It made sense that most of the planets (they were probably moons) had harsh environments, and there was the idea that these worlds hadn't been populated long enough to be urbanized... what felt tacked on was the whole psychic police and guys with the blue gloves. That made it X-Files/Magical Powers which just lost me emotionally to have a protagonist AND antagonists that are so removed from the rest of the show...

    Also getting tired of Josh Wheadon thinking that interesting female characters all must have magic powers AND be a ninja... Come on - even Superman has a weakness or two... Making them all immature girl-women controlled by a mysterious kabal is also getting boring. I can see where he was being tapped to direct WONDER WOMAN but I think that ship has sailed. I really am not interested in a Wonder Woman that punches a tank in the face - it's an oversimplification of the world's problems.... I'm sure everyone will disagree with me on this one, LOL.

    As long as Wonder Woman keeps the bustier- er- I mean Lasso of Truth!

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