Released: Easy Shape Master for Genesis 8 Males - Age Control and Body Tuning [commercial]

Do you want to adjust the shape of Genesis 8 Male to make him younger or older? A more muscular or a chubby body shape? Adjust the chest in relation to the age group?
Are you tired of dialing in and adjusting dozens of morphs to get what you want?
This product takes over this work for you by utilizing dozens of the Head- and Body morphs and making the needed adjustments to the character's shape.
Both head- and body morphs are utilized to gain most detail.
You can either use the provided presets for age, body definition and chubbiness or use the provided dials to step less adjust the appearance of the shape and fine tune it to get the shape you like. The presets for age and body shaping are only suggestions what we thought a character would look like at this age. Feel free to use the dials manually to get the results you want.
The Daz Original Head- and Body Morphs work perfectly with Genesis 8 Male Characters and we take advantage here of this fact by intensively utilizing them. You can, of course, use other morphs as well to adjust the shapes even more.
Age dials/presets can be mixed with the body tuning dials/presets (chubbiness/muscularity) so that you can have for instance a boy with strong muscularity or a chubby older man etc. There are almost endless possibilities to mix and match the controls. Body- and Head Dials are separate for most control.
The body tuning options keep active while switching the age presets, so you can see how the actual shaping looks on a young boy, a teen boy, men or old men.
This add on works best with the Genesis 8 Male Base Character without any morphs/shapes applied. However the controls work with any Genesis 8 Male based character, so you can turn Michael 8 into a teen for instance.
You can also make any shape more muscular or chubby in relation to their default shape.
Included are also dials and presets for head, neck, breast/nipples and navel adjustments to fine tune your shapes.
Your settings can be saved as shape presets of course.
Please note that the actual effect of the controls may vary depending what character you are using and what other morphs/controls/shape presets are used/dialed in as well.

Great - got it!
Thank you :)
I'm not seeing any extra discount on this, and I own the g8F version
hmm, I cannot check this myself since I already own my own products.
I asked for this to be set up by marketing and was told it will be.
I had a look at my sales reports and some bought it 40% off instead of the usual 30% off , so there was some additional discounts, but might be other stack discounts Daz is offering.
I will check this with marketing again. I cannot set up discounts etc. myself, this is all done by Daz marketing department.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for checking into it! I'll keep an eye out for what you find out. I'm still on the fence about buying M8 himself, but your Shape Master is definitely on my must get list
You are welcome. As soon as I get a reply from Daz I will let you know here.
Glad you like Shape Master, since you already own the G8F version you know what you will get :)
M8 is great, I bought the pro bundle yesterday as it is nicely discounted. And shape master is also nice to be used with M8 to have him as teen (as you see in one of the promos)
In combination with a more younger looking skin, like from Quinton, looks quite good I think. But you can of course use all G3M skins with G8M as well, I tried several and all work great. Also the Growing Up Youth Skins from Zev0 work well on G8M.
On the promo I actually used the original M8 skin, looks also quite good I think.
I just did one using Quinton (complete with skin) and modified him with shape master to be an older teen boy.
Some of the promos using the original M8 skin are what are pushing me to get him actually,
A quick use of a few of the mophs (as well as a couple of others) using Saiyaness's Dale textures for G3M
I want to buy this & the G8F version but only if it doesn't add not morphs but only uses the morphs contained in the G8M / G8F head & body morphs packages. That's what I understand it to do. Is that right? Thanks.
Ah ok. Oh well, still going to get the product, it's just always nice to get a bit more discount where I can. Thanks for looking into it!
If you bought M8 you get an extra 20% off. That's the only other discount I can see.
Is there a way to thin out and smooth the thighs with this product? As a mother of two boys I can tell you that the upper legs especially are way too thick and developed for a younger boy, judging by the promos.
OK, thanks. That's what I was hoping.
You are welcome :)
Actually not, but that is a good suggestion, I can for sure make an update to add a dial that reduces the thighs volume more (I think this will be a custom morph then).
I already reduced thigh volume to max for the youngest setting. But I think I can get the upper legs even smaller.
Oh forgot to mention, for some of the promos I dialed in the muscularity a little , also for the young boys, I think this also made the legs more developed.
But I will create something that reduces the upper leg volume.
Okay, I made some morphs to adjust the upper legs and the lower legs in size when using the preteen or young teen shape, or whenever you want.

I also included another 2 dials to adjust knee bone size and feet length. I found that useful when we were at the legs already to further tweak them.
Have a look at the renders please I made with the leg adjusatment morphs dialed in.
I need to submit an update and it will take some time until QAV has tested it and creates the updated version.
You were completely right, young boys have smaller legs , in particular the thighs, when they are commonly built. I think the proportions looks better now and more suitable for boys of that age group. Please let me know what you think? And thanks for your suggestion again. This helps me to improve the product.
Just a quick render of a couple of preteens at home.
looking good :) thanks for sharing with us.
Did you use the Genesis 8 base figures for it or another character?
Oh btw, what hair did you use on the boy? Think I do not know that, and I am a hair collector lol
The base G8 figure for the body. The head was one of the Face Off morphs for the Female. I think Virtual Worlds new character for the male. The hair is smay's Simple Short Haircut for Genesis 3 Male. His store is having a flash sale at the moment. It's one of my favorites.
Thank you :) Just grabbed the hair . Oh yes, smay makes nice products
the update is ready and being tested right now. I expect it to be released soon.
You will be notified by DIM
the update is live.
The leg fixes for younger shapes are now included. Please update the product over DIM.
Thank you very much. Having fun with this.
you are welcome :) Glad to hear you are enjoying the product :)