New MacPro

Anyone using a new macpro? Any thoughts? Does carrara benefit from any of the advances in the new mac pro and the new OS. would carrar utilize the two graphics cards. what about openCL. its been so long since the last carrara update im concerned carrara wont utilize the computer and its abilities or be so outdated that there would be no benefit in upgrading the computer at all. thanx for your thoughts. i just might go PC but would like to here from someone first.
Don't think they're out till December. Far as I can tell, the GPU doesn't benefit anything, not Carrara, not Iray. Yes the Xeons will be handy, but I recall a thread a few months ago, of people buying up surplus xeon workstations for a song. Certainly that's the route I'd take if I needed the power and could live without MacOS.
yup i can live without the mac os and will probably go PC. its a shame they wont update carrara could have been a powerhouse with gpu rendering and more. i have octane and will probably go pc just for the octane plug-in for pc. surprised to see no one having the latest mac pro, i was wondering how carrara would run on it.
I've thought about getting one, but for the price my 5 year old iMac still works great.
Mine chugs a bit (it's only an i5), and I'm sure if I was brave enough to unglue it and swap out the ultra slow hard drive for something decent, that'd give it a new lease of life. Right now there's not 4+ grand's worth of value to me in those new iMac Pros.