[Released] Mobility Equipment for Genesis 2, 3 and 8 Males(s) and Female(s)[Commercial]

Mobility Equipment for Genesis 2, 3 and 8 Males(s) and Female(s) is a set of props. In the pakage are included:
- Aluminum Crutch
- Forearm Crutch
- Classical Cane
- Folding Cane 1
- Folding Cane 2
- Folding Walker
- Forearm Crutch
The props have four material presets each for 3Delight and Iray, Hand Poses (for the crutches and the canes) and some poses to start with, for Genesis 2,3,8 (Male and Female).
You can also find some movements as described in the store page and in the manual.
As I noticed the material presets for apply and remove rubber base for the Folding Cane 1 and the Folding Cane 2 do not appear in the Smart Library of DAZ Studio (only for the Forearm Crutch).
I have updated the manual and you can find it in my site here.
Read the updated manual in pages 8 and 10 to see how to use the these materials with Folding Cane 1 and Folding Cane 2.
Don't hesitate to contact me for any questions or remarks (you can do it through DAZ mail, my site or just leave a comment here)!
Thank you!
Thank you for releasing this product!
The poses and props work great with my different sized characters, with minor adjustments to account for the size difference. Very useful in the hospital scenes.

Thank you for your feedback! I am glad you found it useful!
This fills a very much needed gap!
Thank you Sonja!