Cigarettes and Cigars and even..other stuff you smoke.

Was going to put in a request for Cigars and Cigarettes, but in a deep search, I found some items in my runtime, but I was wondering why no one has ever killed this.

I figure they fit so well into the film noir renders and pin-up poses.

Soldiers smoking. Socialites. Bad boys....James Dean types....Bogart....

Bond even....they keep making his suit.


I was thinking about the packs- and having one coming out the pack...maybe lighters and stuff as props.

A book of get the idea...

Smoke is an issue. I'd use Ron's detailed Smoke II- I think that's the one that does puffs of smoke.

Don't know if a vendor has done 3D smoke for cigars and Cigs....

The Jessica Rabbit tiparillo...

Pipes....for sea captains and such.


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