reflection and gi

Hello!!! I have an object, mettallic texture, and an infinite plane as a ground... The render of the mettallic surface is perfect without the plane, but with it, it's turning as an off-grey... Is it a way to keep the plane in the scene, but to get it "impossible to see" by the render of the reflection? it is possible in cine 4d, for example, so maybe...
Post edited by laverdet_943f1f7da1 on
Are you using a background for the reflections?
yes, I use a hdri... the reflection from the hdri suits me perfectly, but once I add the plane, its overall grey color overcover the hdr reflection... of course, I can do two renders, one with and one without, and composite the two, but maybe there is a solution direct in carrara?e
The Infinite plane is Blocking the Light from the HDRI in the Background,. that's why it's darker.
You could try disabling the "cast shadows" for the infinite plane.
or ,. use normal lights and render the scene without the GI / HDRI
Another option is to add a more interesting texture to the infinite plane, so that it doesn't reflect a flat grey colour