SSS Bug in Carrara 8.1.1?

I have recently been making a weeping tree in Carrara with Subsurface scattering applied to the leaves.
The individual renders turn out just fine, but when I tried animating, I lost the subsurface scattering after the first frame.
I checked everywhere for a hidden
If I start the animation at a different time....still only the first frame has SSS.
perhaps an AVI issue?
Or maybe just a line of code is missing that tells Carrara to check SSS every frame during animations?
Any Thoughts out there?

SSS Tree.jpg
611 x 485 - 141K
Windows or Mac? not that I can help but there may be a difference.
I am pretty certain SSS worked on my human figures so is it just trees leaves which use a replication method for the leaves?
I do know animating rustling and wind on replicated trees caused issues for me in animation with dropped instances, Howie Farkes Japanese Teagarden was an absolute mess after about 100 frames animated, no tree movement it rendered fine.
Octane seems unaffected by that bug as long as I can fit it all on my card that is, the Teagarden needs a lot of "pruning" for that! But the vanishing trees in the native engine does not seem to be memory related as I have had it happen on other occasions.
I am on a windows machine.
I will check on whether the rustle or tree movement has any difference. To me, it seems like Carrara is not checking for SSS on animation, since no matter where I start, the starting frame is OK, but all of the rest of the frames drop the SSS. Probably not memory related, since it will begin acting up on the second frame.
I will try with a simple sphere to see if the problem lies with the trees replicated leaves.
maybe you could animate the sss by a slight change in paremeter from beginning to end?
I tested on a sphere and I also replicated it and it certaimly calculates and renders the SSS every frame
I do image series but avi also produces image series in temp before finishing so that should make no difference.
replicated windy rustling trees seem ok too
A little more testing by adding a sphere with the same shader as the leaves.
The sphere renders all the frames with SSS while the tree leaves don't.
More tests after work.
For some reason I am not getting the "calculating subsurface scattering" notification box like in Wendys screenshot?
well I only got it with replicated trees
I think was there but gone in a blink with one
It's possible that this was an issue in C8.1,. which perhaps is no longer an issue in C8.5
has anyone tried this in 8.5 ?,. or is there some other reason to use 8.1 i'm missing ?
jus curious :)
I tested in 8.1 as have both and what Mcguiver was using
I haven't found a solution yet,but I will try a different way... maybe shoestring shaders.
I will post again if I find a workaround.