Would any Carrara people like to pop over and vote in the Bryce Challenge.

Would any Carrara people like to pop over and vote in the Byrce Challenge?
We are trialling a new system for the voting, and as you always ask Brycers to help vote, we though we would return the compliment
Thread is here https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/194556/26th-bryce-render-contest-official-poll you click on the thumbnails on the page to see them biggerer and then once you have worked out the ones you like best you go to the link and cast your vote please.
Thank ewe
All done, terrific work there, congrats!
Some great images. Voted.
miss the old poll forum feature
In a heartbeat!
Some really nice images there.

Also, may be asking how to set something like that up sometime in the future.

The offsite polling seems good but I'm not a fan of the offsite image hosting..
I think entries would be better in the Gallery with a tag for the challenge then each can be posted in a viewing topic thread.
but we got through it and voted..
Can these polls be put into the forum here.. every other forum in the known universe has them except here!
All done!
Got er done Chohole
There were things I liked about all renders... finally narrowed it down to four lucky soles though.