Carrara 8.5 beta (172): how to fit dynamic clothes properly?

Hi all,
I'm trying to import (or, in desperation, even recreate) a heavily morphed Vic 5 figure into the latest Carrara 8.5 beta build. I did the original in DAZ Studio Pro 4.5, and I just cannot get her clothes to fit in Carrara.
Back in Studio, I can fit both the SuperSuit and the Genesis Bikini on her with no problems. However, in Carrara, I have poke-throughs and don't know how to fix them.
When I try import her with clothes already fitted, it will either hang Carrara or there will be poke-throughs. If I put the clothes on in Carrara, there will be poke-throughs.
I haven't found any options for fitting in Carrara. Any pointers?
Thanks a lot!
are you importing a DUF file from DS ?
I tried importing every possible export format, including DUF. I also tried to recreate the morphs in Carrara, then apply the clothes. Nothing has worked so far.
I just did a duf from DS and it was fine - used the troll .
made it into others - still work fine
I just did a duf from DS and it was fine - used the troll .
made it into others - still work fine
I'm not saying that no clothes ever fit, I'm asking what to do when they don't. In DAZ Studio, there are options to tweak. How about Carrara?
the whole Genesis .duf thing works better for Bigh than most others (some cannot use Genesis at all and just get an io import error)
for us less fortunate (I can at least import MOST Genesis stuff) the reason is Daz studio has the smoothing modifier.
the work arounds are
use soft select in the vertex room to pull out poking through vertices (or poke in Genesis ones)
create new shading domains on bits that poke through and a new shader with zero alpha and everything else "none"
use 3D paint to create an alpha texture map for poke through
btw, Poser DSON users will have these issues too (and prob use the morph brush)
I want smoothing and collision like DS4 in Carrara please devs!!! maybe C9?
If this issue should still be unsolved:
A quite nice way to adjust poke-throughs in Carrara (8.5 at least, I am not sure if it works in previous versions) is to use the built-in vertex-modeler in the assembly room.
- Select the figure that is to be adjusted (most likely the cloth), be careful not to select the main container, but the actual MODEL ("actor" or the like)
- click on the "manual button" (wrench symbol in the upper left area)
- the figure will most likely be reset to its zero pose, to solve this:
- click on "animation mode" (top right in the parameter section), this will re-pose the figure to the current situation
- unfortunately you cannot edit directly now, you first have to create a morph target. Go to morphs, create a new morph (after creation the selection resets, so you have to search for your morph, select it and click edit)
- with the new morph being in edit mode you can now easily adjust the vertex model to cover the poke-throughs
- after editing click the small checkmark in the morph-edit-window (right hand side)
- leave the built-in-vertex-modeler (hand symbol)
- select the cloth figure, search for your created morph, set it to "1"
It seems this does not work with Genesis material, but I believe most of the workflows in Carrara don't work with Genesis the same way they used to work with everything else.