Released! Garrett for Michael 8 [Commercial]

Hey Guys! This is Garrett, my newest male character for Genesis 8 and Michael 8. Get it while is still on sale - 40% OFF, Plus whole store on sale - 40%OFF
Please feel free to ask any question you might have regarding this product. Will be very welcomed

1000 x 1300 - 629K

1000 x 1300 - 300K

1000 x 1300 - 264K

1000 x 1300 - 687K

1000 x 1300 - 547K

1000 x 1300 - 315K

1000 x 1300 - 533K

1000 x 1300 - 399K

1000 x 1300 - 524K

1000 x 1300 - 532K

1000 x 1300 - 765K

1300 x 1000 - 670K
Post edited by Faber Inc on
Hubba hubba! He is one fine looking guy! Great work!
haha, thank you Llynara :D
He was the first thing into my cart this morning. Very nice work.
I got him too. I wish you everyone would start including eyebrow free mats now that fiberhair brows are a real thing.
Thank you for buying him Agent! :)
Yes. Is something im doing now and you will see in my upcoming characters.
Somehow he made it into my cart too. Can't imagine how that happened.
Working on some renders now!
Cute and bought him!
LOL things that happens
Thank you Llynara and Wyn! and I can't wait to see Mr Garrett on your renders

OMG, he's gorgeous! He reminds me a lot of Brett, my main character in my Midwest romantic comedy series. This is just a quick render with his defaults. I was using an indoor HDR that was giving me trouble. I'll get more creative tomorrow. His textures are magnificent. Great job, Faber!
Great Render!! The skin looks amazing with that lighting, I should have used one like that for the promos.
Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks, I'm very happy with how it came out. This was an indoor HDR plus Sveva's Intensity 2.0 Iray Lights, plus some postwork adjustments. I'm really loving this combo for newer skins with dual lob specs. Can't wait to play with Garrett some more!
Lion of the Desert
Here he is as "El Lawrence," in honor of one of my favorite movies, Lawrence of Arabia. (Click for a bigger version)
He's great and I put him into my cart as soon as I saw him. I'm very pleased that so far M8 seems to be getting decent support and characters like this are great!
I really like your artwork Llynara! great Job. I never thought he could look that good on an arabic theme render

Thank you Riggswolfe!! Im very glad to hear that.
I am one of those who tries to be equal when creating female and male content, but over the years I see my male characters are much more well received rather than my female creations: on sales and compliments, hehe So, from my side, be sure im gonna keep creating more characters like Garrett.
Thanks, Faber! You did a wonderful job on him, it's easy to make him look good. Please keep up the great work!
Can someone please tell me if that short hair from the store renders comes with the character? If not, what Short Hair product that is?
Can someone please tell me if that short hair from the store renders comes with the character? If not, what Short Hair product that is?
Can someone please tell me if that short hair from the store renders comes with the character? If not, what Short Hair product that is?