Going Viral.....nasty in an ugly way. [Commercial]

Hello to all the madness has begun and I am doing my part with at least two products. Gong Viral is up first and I apologies for the nasty look of this guy, but sometime science goes bad. The next one up is Cute in an Alien sort of way : ) Two looks in one! And those spider arms are very... handy.

1530 x 2100 - 2M

1530 x 2100 - 2M
Post edited by Cris Palomino on
Clearly, something has gone horribly wrong in the lab.... They look awesome!
Can't wait to mess with this....
1) I assume this isn't a morphed character, so I wouldn't be dialing this figure in on any Genesis 3 default Actor.....?
2) It says Genesis 3, so that means it takes genesis 3 poses.....?
3) The "spider arm" I could place that in the head or body or even at the end of a limb...or use it as a separate creature all-together...?
I plan to scale it to an enormous size and use it as a monster.
4) I assume the virus is spread by busting one of those puss-filled sacs and coming into contact with the juice?
- what if I get bit or scratched?
5) Anybody able to render this with the Zombie Armor. That's a one-two combination fer sure.....
I have decided to pass on lunch for now...
The texture works with any Genesis 3 male, the Spider arm is a figure all to itself and is very cool, jointed for movement as shown here. It is a morph so you can dial it up or down on any Genesis male figure and female if you have a transfer script. I do not want to have one of those boils pop on me that's for sure. There are no Gen maps for him... I imagine it fell off.
I love this approach and have been thinking of making 'parts' like this.
The great thing is that you could use those spider arms on any figure. Or, heck, horses or whatever.
Well there's always the Spider arm. : O
Well there's always the Spider arm. : O
Apparently...he did...There are days when having a great imagination is not a good thing...
There are also a number of cool tentacles in the store...
But those are HUGE.....and please no one look up Antfarm's Slim Man.....lol
Back on topic....wonderful product......
I still want you to do some space vehicles...sleek.....like the one you had in the promo art for the diner....
And/Or more base products to sit atop your gravity device for cars...make a new version with more wheels- for even longer cars/trucks....
and maybe something that has rotating wheel hubs that provide vertical thrust- but really just vents for smoke/steam to come out....
Even though it's anti-gravity we still a visual effect to convey the ...ant....gravity of the situation......
I have ideas for a sleeker anti grav roadster. I'll take another look.
Please, please oh please!