Released, Spartan Armor for Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 Female (Commercial)

HI all,
This will be my new armor, I'm focusing already on doing armors, either Sci-Fi ones, fantasy, or like this one, my first classic, or ancient Greek armor.
It's inspired on real hoplites, not the ones from the movie, as such, it wears breastplate , skirt, armband and lower band, or maybe it's more like a vambrace. Also has greaves, a cape, a helmet which can be modified, a pauldron, an undies.
As for weapons, comes with an Aspis shield, a spear or Dory, and a sword with a kukhri shape called Kopis. This sword was seen by Greek citizens as a not honorable sword, as didn't made clean cuts as the other one the Xiphos, a short straight one. The Kopis wound seemed axe wounds more that sword ones.
Two materials, one from Sparta, and a darker version.
Hope you like it!.

Love it, definitely getting this once its out! Wish it was already released, I'm working on a project that could really use that.
Do you, as a vendor, search the shop for other products like this?
Do you even conciously think "This will work when they try and build a scene using multiple products together." ?
I love the skirt and cape and I hope you do MANY positional and wind morphs so that it can really, really blow around in moments of high action.
Dirt and damage textures would be awesome too.
Thanks for making this.
Impressive quality!
This looks wonderful. I have some of your sets and really love the quality you build into them.
Than you for your comments!.
About the cape, is figure driven only until the begining of the back, a bit below the neck, then has bones, so you can pose the cape as you want. By the way avxp, thanks for taking this into the thread, as of now, I will for sure show on my promos, how well can the cape move.
Speaking of having other products in mind, I do, I know that there are other greek, mostly for male as far as I know. Anyway, I mostly work inspiration driven. You always can try to do it better :) !
I do always everything with a lot of detail, I love to make armors, so, for instance, the spear (Dory), has the leather grip, and the end spike modeled based on a real one, as that spears didn't have just the main spike. The end one, called "sauroter", which means lizard killer as it was used mainly for that, and to finish enemies on the ground. I also made a difference between both spikes as the main one was made of iron, and the end one, was made of bronze, as it didn't need to be as though as the main one.
Then, among all the detail that all the armor has (nothing is plain), if you look at the back of the shield which the knots of the rope can be rotated to mach the figure position, I also looked at the real thing, well, I did it for all.
So even if I found something similar, I would do it anyway, because as a perfectionist I'll try to do it better.
I hope that I've explained everything.
Oh, as for ways of using it, any scene without anything out of the historical time will look good, and there are also a loot of greek things, houses, clothes...
I'm going to attach some more promos, ah!, on the promos you'll see that there is no need for a damaged version, as it is a damaged version, fully modeled, as for the dirt, it has an overall dirt layer on top of all, and the sandals have dust from the ground. The capes are damaged also on the end, being the dark material one ( named Kopis)the most damaged, but can use the most damaged on the Sparta one (name for the liight mat) and aply the correct mat.
Thank you! that is exactly what I try to do!
I always think that the product I'm working on can look better. I remodel, or change all the details on some parts, or a lot of parts, or even on everything
. I could finish the modeling part, and while rigging or painting, I have to redo something if I look at it and I don't like it a lot.
I take a lot of time doing a set, but is just because while I do think about what the customers would like, I do every set as if it was for me, to make me feel proud of my work.
I know that if I do things this way, they will sell, and if doesn't sell as well as expected, the customers who had bought it, will have a high quality product.
One thing that I have never seen modelled on Grecian helmets in Poser or Daz (and I think I must own just about all of them !) is the extension of the horse hair plume at the back. I always think this really increases the elegence of these helms even further when you see it in painted pottery and statuary. It would be fantastic to have that as an extension for this helmet. I would imagine it as a little pony-tail with three or four joints that extends the plume down the back slightly, perhaps it could also be toggled on or off.
Just a thought :)
I'm sorry to say that but, it will only have Iray. Now that this question appears on a post of my product, I'm going to explain why I used 3Delight at the beginning on a few sets, and then I stopped supporting it.
For that first products, I spent a lot of time just making the PBR mats, look good on non PBR render. Also as I said before, I do thing the best I can at that time, this way of thinking, is the cause of dropping 3Delight. I learned to paint on the physically based render time.
On the first products that have both materials, they do look good on 3Delight, but as time passed and I get to paint better and better, I couldn't get the 3Delight version to look even acceptable.
Maybe some of you would prefer 3Delight conversions retouched just to use a product on 3Delight, but again, if I do something, and I can't, on any part of the process, make it look as I want, I place it on hold.
So, no 3Delight sorry.
A good thought in deed, I already thought about it, but finally was dropped as I thought that you wouldn't care for it. The more I think on it, the more I wish I had done it.
Could always be an addon with a later texture expansion pack ; )
Thanks for letting me know regarding 3Delight!
This is really gorgeous!
Looks great, nice work!
Is there an armor for G3/8 M, too? the title suggests that it is for male and female?
Looks fantastic,
I would buy a male version in an instant, but not a female version.
You're welcome!
Thanks for the comments!, this is already compensating the effort of doing it.
Two comments regarding a male armor, ok, I'll do one, will take a few months, as I've said, I take all the time I need (unless something special happens) to finish my work, and now I'm finishing the retopo of a female armor, stills needs to be rigged, to get its UVs done... After that, I was thinking about another Sci-Fi one for male, but to be honest while I was doing this one, besides thinking about the long tail of the helmet, was to do a another kind of helmet, the two manes version, or the traversal one, I'm going to attach two images as reference only.
Would you like one of this, or the usual one, anyway, the helmet will have the tail/tails.
I prefer the two manes with the horses... it looks wonderful, but would like to hear other thoughts.
Good point, already changed the title, sorry I did the set, so you know, I thought that you would be on my mind to know that it is for female only
With the promos I thought that the title wasn't necessary but, in deed, you don't know if I had male promos that I just didn't post them.
Thanks again for your support guys!
Ah, I was actually going to ask the same in regards to a male version. Thanks for changing the title of the thread. Regardless, I love how it looks and the entire wardrobe is right up my alley. Really nice work as always Zkuro. And thanks for offering a G3 and G8 version. I'll snatch it for the G3 version. Even though I have Michael and Victoria 8 as well as a few G8 characters, I have yet to use a G8 figure and not sure if I'm going to continue purchasing G8 only least in the forseeable future.
This outfit would be great for classical Amazon warriors. ;)
Awesome news ZKuro, on the proposed male armour.
With regards to the helmet plumes I love them both.
Historically the Transverse orientated plume tended to indicate that the wearer was an officer/soldeir of rank, incharge of a group of soldiers.
For the 'glam factor' I would love the two tailed helm.., but would be nice to have a transverse helm for officers....., a potential expansion pack maybe.?? ;)
Also consider helms can always be figure neutral, if people are prepared to do a bit of parenting on the object.
Thanks, I really appreciate it, I mean the " Really nice work as always Zkuro". I try to do that as I've said, I've gathered a lot of info on this, by the way, thanks Swordkensia for the officer plume clarification. That, I didn't catch. Going back on the research and quality matter, the shield for instance has a lot of work, it doesn't have only on the inside something to place on the hand of the figure because "it's the inside who cares", I worked on the inside of the shield a lot, has everything a real one had but the wooden structure
, the leather, the rope, the anchors for the knots on the rope, the little tails on each one, the forearm holder.... of course both holders have enough morphs to fit any figure.
I enjoy the detail part a lot, and I'm really grateful seeing that people notice that.
In deed Swordkensia, this helmet have G3 size, but can match a male perfectly as it is a wearable, so, no figure issues.
I've just did a quick render with G3 Male and the G3 female versions, not the G3 female for any special reason more than, I was on the G3 folder
By the way, I love both helmets, who knows, I'm not saying that it will have it, but, I'm seriously thinking about making the male version with both helmet versions.
I've also done a close up of the Dory, where you can see all the parts that I mentioned before.
Looks really great, both the female version and what you intend for the male one ! Well done !
Thanks! the male one could be really, really nice. As for now, thanks for your support, "looks really great", and comments like this, makes me keep doing things the way I do. I only wish that I could make them faster, I have so many ideas, both for male and female, that I could spend all my life, and I wouldn't finish.
I do the ones that I like the most at the moment of starting a new project, ideas from here and there, projects from scratch without looking at anything in particular as a reference, or like in this case, that as I've said, after finishing the one I'm doing right now, I'll do a male version of this.
I love the armor and would also love a male version for G3 and G8.
I suppose a Pteruges is too much of a bear to rig and you can't do it as conforming without it "smearing", right? Sadness.
Your work is top notch. Well done and has the feel of the era. Well done! :)
Thanks, for your kind words, is nice to read posts like this.
Don't worry, the male version is next, after the product I'm working on.
About the Pteruges, could be also use to refer to the plume of the helmet, in which case yes, the helmet/s will has/have it, and as for the body ones, which are the ones that I think you asked for, I already did a project that had Pteruges, but not going from side to side, there it has faulds, see the image attached, it comes from this product:
The ones on the shoulder, don't know, not going to make exploits of everything that will have the male version ^^
Crazy, I had NO idea the Barbarian Chieftain was your product. I've used it quite a bit. Can't believe I never knew that but should have.
Yeah, I was talking about the "leather strap skirt" that is nearly impossible to do without making the project ALL about that. You can either make it a conforming peice which would make the individual pieces malform in more extreme poses than just standing. Then you can make each strap a limb BUT then that would take FOREVER and would be a pain in posing to boot. I was think of one of five front pieces and three back pices made of multiple straps but even that would be a bear to create and even a bear to pose as well. Love the barbarian piece, BTW.
This Sparta piece is going to find its way into an Amazon render or two. :)
Thanks for buying it! and for using it of course, and again, thanks for appreciate the level of detail I give to my products.
RKane_1, I could try other ways to add the Pteruges, if it finally hits the store without, you can have for sure, that I'd had lost days if not a week or more, trying to make them work until withdrawing from doing them. But I did them for the Barbarian Chieftain, just have to do some more, and create myself the morphs for an easy pose, I will not let the customer move each bone every time there is a new pose, no. I'll even if necessary add one click morphs, don't know.
And happy to know that you have already found a second use to it. Now that you're talking of Amazons, the spear Dory, even being a spear, could be use as a javelin, and was used as such many times, and that was because Greek spears we're done so good, and really well balanced, that could be thrown and travel like a javelin would. Just a little note :)
By the way, to everyone that is buying the product, thank you so much! And also to all of you posting here, I got some really nice posts, thank you all!
One thing that I would like you all to know. At the painting process, I used an opacity map, that worked really well, the skirt wasn't so opaque, it let light pass through it, and in some renders, for me, it looked nice. I had to pulled it off.
Now for anyone that would like to try it, here you have the original opacity map the was used.
For the ones who doesn't know how to apply custom maps on a specific shader:
1.Select the skirt. (Make sure you have all the skirt selected, not just one bone)
2.Go to your surfaces tab (If you don't have one, go to the windows menu, tabs, and click on the surface one)
3. Click on the skirt name, it takes just a sec, then you see the skirt and the only material (initialshadinggroup)
4.On the seach bar, just type "opa", and on the opacity shader will be the only one on the list.
5.Finally, just click on the arrow icon, select brwose and point the Cutout Opacoty shader to this map.
To remove it, apart from loading the material again, you can just click on the arrow again, and select none.
I just bought the arena by Ironman13 and was thinking about trying to recreate the classic seen where Diana fights masked for her right to travel to "Man's World" by defeating the best of the Amazons then revealing her identity to her mother. :)
And I would LOVE a Pturges no matter how it winds up. Thanks! :)
If you finally do that, post it in the gallery and select my product as used, that way, I'm told about it, and also get a direct link to that render.