mcjParent - script - simple parenting and animations where you pick and leave objects (updated!)

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
edited June 2015 in Freebies

Download and manual ---->


This script for DS1, 2, 3, 4 will let you do animations tasks like picking and leaving an object

a hand picking a sword for example or a robotic arm picking an egg

It can also let you do simple parenting.

In fact initially i wrote this script because my Daz Studio 3 regularly loses the ability to parent

one node to another after an hour of work on a scene.

So instead of saving my scene, closing DS3, restarting DS3 and re-loading the scene, i use this script

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited December 1969

    Sneak Preview of the robotic arm prop which will be free on my web site soon ( say tomorrow maybe? )

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,045
    edited December 1969

    Casual said:
    In fact initially i wrote this script because my Daz Studio 3 regularly loses the ability to parent

    one node to another after an hour of work on a scene.

    Is that by drag-and-drop only, or is it also by the Change Parent dialogue? Drag-and-drop in DS3 could be killed by renaming a node, or anything else that involved an active rename field in a pane - I can't recall if it was ever fixed in 3, it isn't an issue in 4.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited December 1969

    Casual said:
    In fact initially i wrote this script because my Daz Studio 3 regularly loses the ability to parent

    one node to another after an hour of work on a scene.

    Is that by drag-and-drop only, or is it also by the Change Parent dialogue? Drag-and-drop in DS3 could be killed by renaming a node, or anything else that involved an active rename field in a pane - I can't recall if it was ever fixed in 3, it isn't an issue in 4.

    by drag and drop mainly ( cant recall exactly if i tried through the menus )

    i tend to use DS3 often, because DS4 is more crash prone on my Win7/AMD ( possibly an interaction with Window's Magnifier )
    also because i try to maintain DS3 compatibility for the scripts.

    (in other news, i should soon update mcjWarp to DS4.5 ... then maybe implement OSCeleton/Kinect )

  • creativemodelsbecreativemodelsbe Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Can i also parent figures hands with this?
    like parent genesis (1) to hand from genesis (2) and control genesis(2) hand with genesis (1) hand?

    that can be script animators like

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited December 1969

    Can i also parent figures hands with this?
    like parent genesis (1) to hand from genesis (2) and control genesis(2) hand with genesis (1) hand?

    that can be script animators like

    it's just to parent an object to a figure, or an object to another object

    parenting body parts to body parts would possibly break the skeleton
    i wrote scripts for hands and feet animation

    unfortunately mcjAutoLimb, the more powerful tool of the lot works only with pre-Genesis figures
    ( Aiko Hiro Victoria Michael 3 and 4 etc ... )

    this summer i plan to upgrade and improve mcjAutoLimb

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited June 2015

    i'll post an mcjParent version that includes a "parent in place" option

    but since i cant miss an occasion to waste time . . .

    Fig 1 - We have Amy Bun making her nose hard to catch and Amy PixieTail which will catch it

    Fig 2 - at frame 0, i set the nose catch pose, i used mcjAutoLimb2014 of course ! and mcjHands
    notice the target node which was used to bring Amy PixieTail's index where it is

    now comes the problem, we parent the target node to Amy Bun's head using mcjParent (2013)
    but first i delete all keyframes on the terget node ( because i think it would solve the issue ! )

    Fig 3 ok, i select the null node, followed by Amy Bun's head, i launch mcjParent and i parent
    .... and the target node didn't move

    so that's not a problematic situation

    Fig 4, ok i got it ! the problem is, if the target-node is parented to Miss PixieTail's index, and i re-parent it to the head, it jumps

    Now i'll add the "parent in place" option to the script

    ok done, it's a bit odd because i was using a daz script parenting function which was supposed to "parent in place"

    so what i did is, i note the world position of the node being re-parented before the parenting
    and i re-position it following the parenting

    var pos = srcnode.getWSPos();
    if( destnode.getNodeParent() == srcnode )
    srcnode.removeNodeChild( destnode );
    destnode.addNodeChild( srcnode, true );
    srcnode.setWSPos( pos );

    In Fig 5 we'll see if Amy PixieTail succeeds in her mission ...

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    Post edited by mCasual on
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited December 1969


    new version with better "parent in place" functionality

    when parenting a node that was already parented, the node wont jump away

    or if you have trouble downloading from my google site

    here's a direct link to the zip

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