Carrara 8.5 beta can play animation which made by ds timeline?

kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
edited March 2013 in Carrara Discussion

I really hope to know clear,, I am not hope to be semi profeesional animator,
just want to make simple motion movie,:red:
whith genesis (my custoimized character morph), customized clothing (fit to genesis, hair) .

Now I have animation in ds timeline, (baked from customized aniblocks )
it is only 3miniutes but,, I actually scare to render animation by daz studio.

and not hope many tweaking by film editor @@;

and not hope modify scene (set atomosphere, and move camera , apply more face expression etc) in daz studio timeline.
(about animation, it is just pain for me,,, )

so now hope to customize scene and detail, in carrara.

Then I want to know,, the beta 8.5 carrara can run animation (saved as duf scene) in daz studio

or I need to export bvh as motion?
and the clothing (fit to character) have JCM for ghost bone,,witch move with genesis rig
these morphs can work in carrara without problem too?

I get Carrara 8 pro last summer,, but I have waited DAZ offer product version,, so just check some render,
in Carrara and learn basic. and not have installed 8.5 beta.
so that,, If Carrara 8.5 beta no problem about use genesis and duf clothings, and hairs,,
and can read ds animation saved as duf,, I want to try beta now,, :roll:

(then I know,, iclone and 3dexchange is really awesome animation tool,,,(actually it seems so easy and
so many tools for animation,,,,)
but I think if Carrara is more easy to play with daz genesis, and daz items for genesis,,)

Post edited by kitakoredaz on


  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    I really hope to know clear,, I am not hope to be semi profeesional animator,
    just want to make simple motion movie,:red:
    whith genesis (my custoimized character morph), customized clothing (fit to genesis, hair) .

    Now I have animation in ds timeline, (baked from customized aniblocks )
    it is only 3miniutes but,, I actually scare to render animation by daz studio.

    and not hope many tweaking by film editor @@;

    and not hope modify scene (set atomosphere, and move camera , apply more face expression etc) in daz studio timeline.
    (about animation, it is just pain for me,,, )

    so now hope to customize scene and detail, in carrara.

    Then I want to know,, the beta 8.5 carrara can run animation (saved as duf scene) in daz studio

    or I need to export bvh as motion?
    and the clothing (fit to character) have JCM for ghost bone,,witch move with genesis rig
    these morphs can work in carrara without problem too?

    I get Carrara 8 pro last summer,, but I have waited DAZ offer product version,, so just check some render,
    in Carrara and learn basic. and not have installed 8.5 beta.
    so that,, If Carrara 8.5 beta no problem about use genesis and duf clothings, and hairs,,
    and can read ds animation saved as duf,, I want to try beta now,, :roll:

    (then I know,, iclone and 3dexchange is really awesome animation tool,,,(actually it seems so easy and
    so many tools for animation,,,,)
    but I think if Carrara is more easy to play with daz genesis, and daz items for genesis,,)

    sure can - DUF from DS to Carrara 8.5

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    thanks,, bigh @@;

    I do not want to install so many 3d tools,, then I just want to confirm by user both of aprication,,
    before install and try beta.

    so ,, if the ds timeline animation which made by duf contents can work without problem,,
    it seems I need not get" animate 2 exporter to Carrara" now?

    my workflow may,,

    1, make simple animation (with aniblock or customized ) in daz studio .
    2 open animation in Carrara , and modify scene tweak each frame,, as I want,,(I believe It is more easy than play with ds timeline,,)
    3 render by Carrara @@; woo,,,,, I decide to install beta now,,,

    (OK,, I take care not ask again and again in this forum,,before read topics above,,
    do not hope to bother carrara users,,)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    That's so cool to know. I have such a non-existent D|S workflow, that I'd not know this otherwise. Owning aniMate 2 and many of the aniBlock packages, this could really benefit the animator's work. I'll have to test the high heels function within aniMate to see if that alone could help to fix Gen 4 Blocks used on Genesis. Nonetheless, great possibilities could come from this.
    I love how aniMate 2 works in D|S. The LOD view is fast in OpenGL, and the tools for editing, blending, mixing and matching, etc.,
    Not to mention creating new aniBlocks fron other types of animated input... it's a powerful, easy to use system.

    It might get me to buy the new timeline stuff from GoFigure - which looks like it gives D|S the Carrara sequencer. I'd like that a lot!

  • TjebTjeb Posts: 507
    edited December 1969

    Why scared of rendering animation in DAZ? Use 'image sequence' (.png) and then use (free) Virtualdub for making animation.
    Why not wiiling to do postwork in movie editing software? The success of a Hollywood movie is largely determined by editing the scenes.
    And in some cases, depending on your movie of course, think about the possiblity of 'green screen' or Chromakey, meaning: animation of your character in DAZ (without background, or green or blue background) and in your editing software lay-over the animation onto another.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    tjeb said:
    Why scared of rendering animation in DAZ? Use 'image sequence' (.png) and then use (free) Virtualdub for making animation.
    Why not wiiling to do postwork in movie editing software? The success of a Hollywood movie is largely determined by editing the scenes.
    And in some cases, depending on your movie of course, think about the possiblity of 'green screen' or Chromakey, meaning: animation of your character in DAZ (without background, or green or blue background) and in your editing software lay-over the animation onto another.

    Project Dogwaffle Howler is made for post working Carrara! Many versions to choose from: $0.00USD through the shiny new GPU optimized PD Pro Howler 8.2 for only $99.00 and everywhere in between.
    These guys are kind enough to keep their past versions alive for lower price! 7.2 is still the latest available here at Daz3d and is and amazing post work tool for your animations. It can open sequenced animations, avi, and then save as either as well! You can key frame your own drawings in an otherwise empty animation screen! Green screen, Blue screen, Drop Magenta!
    Build your own particle animation brushes or use one of the bazillion presets. You can get just the particles system for only $5 if you want. Then if you decide to upgrade, e-mail Philip and he'll give you a coupon for a discount, since you already spent five bucks! Project Dogwaffle and Carrara are a coupling that's meant to be!
    112 x 178 - 5K
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited March 2013

    Now I really hope to run Carrara 8.5 (and Carrara 8) ><;<br /> so please someone guide me,,,

    I can not run both Carrara now ,,,

    it is strange,,, I have used carrara 8 64 bit without problem.
    (I said,, just learn basic, try some tutorial,,then return ds etc)

    last night I downloaded and install Carrara 8.5 beta to my PC,
    (I make different directory for Carrara 8.5 beta in windows program directory, with keep Carrara 8.
    under C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D

    there was no problem,, but when I try to launch Carrara 8.5 beta,
    (as you know, after install,, in pop up window,, I check on to launch Carrara)
    it could not. then I click the shot-cut on my desk top.

    Carrara 8.5 try to make start window, but it can not,, I can only see frame of window,, without title,, at moment,,
    then it seems close suddenly . I check directory,, there is carrara.exe . there seems no problem about install.

    then I try to open carrara 8. but it can not show Carrara start window, can not launch Carrara.

    after try driver up-date , but it can not. I uninstall both of Carrara ,, then try to re-install.
    but I can not launch Cararra 8.5 and 8.

    MY pc
    OS Windows 7 Home Premium (SP1), Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 3.40 GHz,
    my graphic card radeon HD 6870

    I have installed some 3d arications,,(Unity, blender, iclone Brice,,)
    but every aprication work without problem ,,,. Now I can not open Carrara.

    and I may need to send support ticket,, so that I hope to show erroer log for quick reply,,,
    then about Carrara where I need to check for erroer log?

    and if I need to apply more infomation,, eg ( direct X ver or net frame etc,, )
    what I need to check? and what I need to clean uninstall Carrara ?
    I used daz uninstaller about both aprication,, and contents too.

    (I reinstall graphic driver, and uninstall some aprication if there is some conflict,,
    then install Carrara again,,but it can not,, what do I need to remove this problem ?

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    I could return from Hell :-)

    I use windows system recoverly then,, restore setting,,now I can run carrara 8 pro @@;

    I find some change from the recover point which I recovered,, but I can not clear find what cause this terrible problem.
    the recover point is,, 3days before.
    there was windows auto-up date,,etc
    Direct X,, and device dirver package etc

    it still remain,,unlinked exe short cut and uninstaller,,, then,,, carrara 8.5 beta could not open correctlry still,,

    so that I uninstall both aprication again,, (about 8.5 ,, I manually delete all folda,,I do not know about registry,,)
    then I install again ,, in different folda.

    Now I can launch both version Carrara :lol:

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    I could return from Hell :-)

    I use windows system recoverly then,, restore setting,,now I can run carrara 8 pro @@;

    I find some change from the recover point which I recovered,, but I can not clear find what cause this terrible problem.
    the recover point is,, 3days before.
    there was windows auto-up date,,etc
    Direct X,, and device dirver package etc

    it still remain,,unlinked exe short cut and uninstaller,,, then,,, carrara 8.5 beta could not open correctlry still,,

    so that I uninstall both aprication again,, (about 8.5 ,, I manually delete all folda,,I do not know about registry,,)
    then I install again ,, in different folda.

    Now I can launch both version Carrara :lol:

    good now on with the fun !!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,635
    edited December 1969

    I rolled back my nVidia driver some time ago and disabled updates on it as it kept messing up most my 3D softwares.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    :) thanks "senpai" seniors. (I actually,, manytimes check your topics,,, ^^;)

    I can understand,,, nowdays,, 3d animation,, or 3d is not so easy even though play as hobby ^^;
    so I may need first understand more basic about each tool.
    I really hope use DAZ genesis figure with simple animation,,..
    (because,, it has many detail,, and easy to make expression in ds,,)
    and almost one years,, I just used to daz studio tools,,, so if they can not work well,,
    I need to learn about other tools,,, (i clone,, carrara) from start point again,,

    so I am mazing,,, .which tool is really best to play with genesis, and daz items,,,

    actually,, just export duf animation scene to carrara beta ,
    I find,, some problems ^^;

    one is figure hand seems broken,, in 3d view,, and pre render,,
    now I am thinking how to correct it.

    so that,,, if I use carrara with genesis,,,

    1. make simple animations with zero morph genesis,,no material,, and save it as some duf scene.
    then export carrara , after that apply morphs set materials and set scene prop,,,in carrara. then render.

    2. wear on,,, customize character,, and make simple animation in ds and save it as some duf scene.

    1 is more good choice? (first I tried 2,, but need more reserch ^^;)

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