Released! Jeroyn for Genesis 3/8 Male (Commercial)

He's released!
Jeroyn is an all around type of guy for your Genesis 3 & 8 Male, from Pumpkin King to Guy next door.
His head morphs are custom built and do not require any other morph packs to utilize (Other than the Cornea Bulge-this requires Genesis 3 Head Morphs as well as Genesis 8 Head Morphs), and the body morphs require Genesis 3 Male Body morphs and Genesis 8 Male Body Morphs to use.
Included for both Genesis Males are 3 Brow Presets with 1 No Brow Preset for each model, each Brow Preset has a matching Stubble Preset. There are 7 Eye Material Presets, 5 Contacts combinations, 2 Lashes with 2 Material Presets, the Base Lacrimental Preset, and 5 Sclera Presets. With the Tattoo Presets, there is one for the Leg, Arm, Torso and a Preset for all of them, along with Base Material Presets for each body area.
With the make up options, I've chosen to make them LIE Presets to use on any Genesis 3 Male UV and Genesis 8 Male UV based character. In them there are 2 Lip Presets, 1 Full Pumpkin King Preset (this includes the Torso, so make sure to add the Torso Tattoo first if you use it before applying the Pumpkin King LIE Make Up Preset or you will lose the Torso Make Up if you change the Torso Materials out after applying the LIE Preset), and 6 Eye Make Up Presets.
Anatomical Elements are included.
Special thanks to eviled777 and Chanteur-de-Vent for the additional renders/promos!

Awesome! And, that means that his make up can be used with your other LIE make up set as well. Bonus! lol, He looks awesome.
lol- exactly! Thank you!
Heee's heeeere. With a special bogo of select characters.
Yay BOGO! That makes for an EXCELLENT deal.
I was hoping so! I submitted the idea as a thank you to everyone for the support I've received from everyone here. XD
It's a wonderful idea (though some of us already have the BOGO stuff, lol.) Here's my first render of Jeroyn. I couldn't resist doing the Pumpkin/Punkin' King. I'll do some more normal looking renders soon. Maybe...
I got him so fast that I did not notice it needed the G8 Body morphs which I have not gotten yet. Cannot afford that right now but can I still use Jeroyn with out those?
He works on G3 too, yeah?
True. I think this might be my first G8M purchase.
Hi everyone!
He works with G3M, yes. Using the G3M body morphs. The head is independant and does not need any other morphs to use, so you will get the face on G8M as well as G3M, if not the body morphs for G8M, Miss Bad Wolf- those will have to wait until that pack is purchased. I wasn't able to get the body shape I wanted with Hexagon, so I had to go with the Base Body morphs on both sets.
This is friggin' awesome, Llynara- thank you so much for making this.
Can I use the textures and the head morph on basic G8M body?
You are very welcome, Darwin! I'm trying to do a more "normal" render, but I'm not sure he'll go for it. He's a bit of a wild one! And he doesn't like the beach. Tried that, and it was a no go. LOL Stubborn, this one.
For those asking about Jeroyn on G3- my render above is his G3M version. I'll do another in G8M, if I can get him to agree to anything!
lol Llynara
Yup- Miss Bad Wolf. The Head morphs will work on G8M. There are textures for both the G3M and G8M, so be sure to use the texture folders from the G8M version on the G8M model. Especially the eyes. They are different than the G3M version.
Good luck, Llynara. XD
Nicely done- love the draping on that one.
I finally can get the G8M morphs today so I can use this with G8M. Just need to finalize my cart and check out.
After that download and install morphs so I can play with Jeroyn for G8M!
Yay! I can't wait to see what you do with him. :)
I bought this guy. I quite like him! Out of curiousity, what set is that hood from? It gives me a Star Wars Sith vibe...
Thank you! The hood is from with a black satin shader instead of the base materials- though I left the bump map for the embossed detailing around the edging, it'd look more Sith Like without it.
I just had a chance to try him out. He is really gorgeous! Makes a great brooding Scotsman, which is not where I was going originally, but he insisted.
He is an insistant boy-o. lol Glad you liked him, Sonja, thank you!
@scorpio Wow! That's gorgeous! And just perfect for fall!
Which kitty is that? The HW one or one found here? Love the image.
That looks very much like the HW kitty.
That is fantastic, Scorpio- thank you for posting this! Perfect for Halloween.
Thank you all, glad you like it.
And yes its the Hivewire House Cat.