Reflection object not rendering

I have nade an object to place a texture map on it and place it under my car so the pavement will reflect off the shinny paint.... It shows up in the Assembly room at highest setting BUT when I render it out it is gone.

720 x 540 - 264K

864 x 725 - 420K
Have you checked the lighting?
Sometimes textures will not show because they are 'over-lighted'.
In that case the square looks white in your render.
Also make sure the car drops a shadow, because it has non at the moment.
If all done correctly you should have a pavement map including a shadow and if reflection set up correctly is will reflect on the car.
Good luck, it does looks nice, hope this helps :)
Hi Rich :)
I agree,. it's most likely a lighting issue,. what's your lighting setup?
Try making everything else invisible, then render the ground plane,.. (is it just a plane) or something else ?
If it shows up fine, then make each object visible again, (one at a time) and spot render each time to see what's causing the issue.
If you make an image to use as a 360 background,. and fill the bottom half with the "road surface", then it should reflect n the vehicle
hopefully you can see in this quick example, that the ground is reflection in the chrome of the fender / bumper,.. and the wheels