Novica & Serene Night's Renders, Tips, Tutorials & Product Reviews Part 1
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TIP: Don't Go Just By The Promo Image
TIP: If The Price Is High, Wonder WHY. Probably A Lot To The Product
TIP:There's A Reason That Bay, Lagoon, Or Cove Is In The Title!
I used to be horribly guilty of that. Makes we wonder (no, actually I KNOW) about all the great sets and clothing that I should have bought and didn't when I first started with DAZ. Now, if something is on sale, I explore it. Want to give you a good case in point: (I know the vendor won't mind, lol)
The Priory.
Okay, look at this promo image. Would you run to get your boat? (If you answered "Yep!" the men in the white coats are waiting for you.)
Check out my next post for what you would have missed by just going by the promo image. What should clue you in though, is the title.
LAGOONA BAY. The price ($24.95) and "Bay" in the title made me think "Hmmmmmm...." I'll bookmark it for a sale!
Feel free to post any goodies that you've found that the promo didn't do justice! (With a link so the thread followers can quickly view it)
Okay- grab those oars when you see this? SURE. (Well, perhaps, if you closely saw the teeny sliver of railing, etc to the side) Keep in mind in the gallery of pictures, this wouldn't be this large either.
NOW take a peek. Wow. Book me on the next harbor cruise! I love lighthouses- and never would have known by the promo image that I could get one from this product! (Another reason I wanted to post it.)
EDIT: I frankly would have used "THE ISLAND" as the promo shot. Shows more IMO.
And the last two images.
So now I see why the $24.95 price is in place. When you're viewing the gallery of products, if you have the time to explore, check out those higher priced ones and wishlist if you don't want to pay full price. Although the ones I find are usually just PA's, IF ANY OF THEM HAVE DAZ AS THE CO-VENDOR- note it. There are so many DAZ Original codes and specials!
It's $1.00. It "shrivels up Genesis" so it doesn't go through offending clothes, etc. That' was a simplified explanation I got last week.
It's a good product for a great price. On the one hand, it's less useful now than when it first came out, as there are almost always other ways to beat pokethrough (some of which were introduced in updates to DAZ Studio). On the other hand, it's still a GOOD method in my, it can come in handy during those "Get $X off a purchase of $Y or more" promotions, if the stuff in your cart isn't quite enough to meet the necessary threshhold (I've even heard of people who already owned Poke-Away purchasing it again in order to take advantage of a bargain).
INFO: Difference Between Apply Active Viewport Vs Copy Select Item
Yeah, of COURSE it's me asking the question. (Smile.) This will be in the lighting video I'm doing, but you might as well get the scoop now. Thanks to Jaderail and Richard Haseltine. If you want to know when creating lighting, what those choices mean, here ya go:
SIGH. I'm perusing around trying to find information on the Illumination section. I've found no examples of when you just use diffuse only, specular only. I want to SEE something. And that bias setting. Going to check out the videos on YouTube from DAZ. And of course, off I go to the forums. Check back, folks.
Did find an interesting article about using distant lights (8) to light a scene. Take a peek, it's from Val.
I posted this over in the new users forums, but a mention here- check out Fast Grab, if you haven't gotten a lot of morphs (changes) for your figures, the head one alone has 123 morphs. Hmmm, ya know, I have this and haven't ever installed it. Now would be a good time. There are other good Fast Grabs too. These morph products / bundles do show up periodically in Fast Grab, it's not a one time thing.
“...Use any combination of full body morphs, face and head morphs to bring your Genesis characters to life. This set of morphs works across Genesis male, female, kids and any combination of the above shapes and figures to create just the look you need for your renders.”
Go Jaderail! You're up to 8400 posts- mostly helping people! (Whenever you and Szark aren't ribbing each other. Or, as he says, popping!)
Here's what I am working on- the lighting tutorial on the basics- what I just found out about the light camera view MOVING the light (kept wondering why my lights looked different when I popped back to the Perspective view! I usually move lights and watch from the Perspective view, so I see what it looks like as that's the render view. Well, live and learn. (And that's why YOU get to benefit from my trial runs and save time)
Also, the combining morphs series (video 2) is done except for adding a finished product to it. Here's what you can get by adding morphs to Riley. I entered her in the lighting contest for newbies- there are some gorgeous ones in this thread and mine is attached. Will let you know when that video is up so you can see who got combined to create her. EDIT: And yes I am going to do that water tutorial for you. I created the water in the scene.
For those of you in the Custom Dialed Genesis contest, don't forget Summer Edition Josh! :) You can do a lot with him- he actually contributed to Riley, above! Don't forget to add male to your female characters, and vice versa. Benjamin does GREAT to tweak noses and jaw lines! This is just a quickie (it's 6am, headed to the barn to put sunscreen on Nova's nose!) to show you what he looks like. No focus on lighting, etc. Hopefully you can tell when I am working on compostion/lighting/art (Riley et al, above) vs quickie (Josh) to get the idea across.
Also that is Taylor hair.
SWAM keeps going on sale- bookmark this one for an easy plop/drop/ looks good and easy to tweak hairstyle.
Here's Raiya's Summer Edition Josh. If you like him, wishlist! I love the facial and chest hair- very realistic for extreme closeups.
TIP: Where Morphs Appear / How They Work
Okay newbies, time to rock 'n roll! I want you to enter Scott-L's competition for morphing with Genesis!! Don't be shy, don't say you don't know how- let me baby step what all this means.
This is in my videos, but let's just quickly zip through some of it.
1. Genesis is a base. It is not a "model" / "character" / "figure" like Victoria, Michael, Stephanie, Sophia, Riley, Josh- it is what you load morphs onto to form these other people. (DAZ refers to Victoria as a figure, I'm just ensuring you get the gist. I think of a character as something that evolves- aka, I take Victoria and make changes and create a unique individual. She becomes my character.)
(Oh, I can't resist this) I want to buy a Star Trek figure, I'm in love with Mr. Spock. Sadly, there aren't any Vulcans. But look! A personable pointy eared Szark figure is for sale. (I know I'm going to PAY for this...) Wonderful face, and a body that just won't quit. (Am I earning points here?) When you install Szark, all you have to do is go to Parameters / Actor/ and the morphs will available for you.
But you want something with a big Pepsodent smile, that will literally glow blue in the dark- YES! It is the Jaderail figure. You know that when you have a combination of Szark and Jaderail, it will be the best character ever. So you purchase, download, and install Jaderail and voila! You have his morphs in the Parameters/Actor section too! (TIP: It's best to have your studio closed when installing content.) By moving the sliders, you can decide how much of Szark's mouth is changed by adding Jaderail's mouth, and you can use Jaderail's ear shape to lower the pointiness of Szark's ears, etc.
So now you have a pointy ear, blue, largely grinning character. Something's missing. Ahhhhh.... You want it to have that perfectly bald head, radiating with wisdom. Let's see...oh, the Totte figure...
You get the idea. More tips:
TIP: Mix Cartoon Characters With Real Figures
You might be surprised at what those cartoon figures can do when added to regular figures. I'll post some for you (it's in my second video on Fun With Morphs but we'll have some fun. I may try some on Josh for you!
TIP: Don't Be Afraid To Mix Men And Women Morphs
'Nuff said. I've repeated this often! Strong jaws- use Benjamin! Josh really does great for noses!
TIP: Even Monsters Add Pizazz!
I'm fairly sure gorgeous Riley (two posts up) has Behemoh. Not much, but some!
JOSH + adjustments- Using As Our Starting Point
Here's what I did with Josh- we'll start with him and then I'll add cartoon, etc.
Josh head is 100% with NO other figures-
The slight changes:
eye iris size .70
eyes depth .50
eyes size .22
lacrimals pinch .42
mouth height -.27
lip lower size .12
lip upper size .24
mouth depth .29
nose depth -.27
nose tip height .14
nostril height .30
cheeks depth .20
and that's it.
We are going to keep this view throughout. Let's have some fun! This might give you some ideas for the contest. I am one of the sponsors and will not be participating. (Need to work on the videos anyway.) IF THERE IS A FIGURE YOU DON'T HAVE AND ARE CURIOUS ABOUT WHAT IT CAN DO, ASK ME. I have quite a few. (understatement, lol.)
Josh + Toon Amy 12.4
TIP: Toon Amy For Eyes
Cartoon characters really expand what you can do- particularly with the eyes. (Also chins!)
I'll put these in one of my Fun With Morphs videos, but will share them here first for my thread viewers.
So look at what Josh becomes with Toon Amy, ONLY 12.1
Note: I experimented with Edward Odd, and it pretty much will shrink the eyes (think of a squinty, beady eye crook!) and sink in the cheeks. You can also do that with Toon Amy.
Josh + The Freak .50
TIP: Freak 4 Isn't Just For Beefin' Up- Use Those Negatives!
Next up, rendering right now- is Freak 4 at .50 added to Josh. (I removed Amy. Will always remove the previous morph. Will do a combo at the end.)
When doing the sliders, always take it in the negatives too and see what happens. You'll be pleasantly surprised a lot of the time. I've mentioned that before, but will show you Freak 4 negatives after this one with 50% positive. Will post in a few minutes when the render is done.
WOW, funky. The render was done, but I got a cool abstract bar behind him. ?????? Glad this wasn't for something professional!
I have to say this- I did NOT buy Freak for a long time because the promo was not appealing to me. Don't go by the promos. Ask on the forums for someone to post an example for you if you aren't sure.
Have you noticed that Shimuzu's store is on a 60% flash sale? I've noticed you're a fan of pose packs.
Sickleyield and XP-Pointblank are also on sale as well.
Hi Anikad!
Already have the ones that aren't "new" but it's nice to have it posted here! I change the poses a lot but it's a fun way to get them laying, sitting, feet out, etc. Thanks so much for posting it!
Josh + The Freak -.50
Here's The Freak with the negative, as promised. -.50, on 100% Josh with the morphs as first listed.
Next up, Infernal Behemoh at .50%. Trying to do them all within the same range :) Will be about ten minutes.
Josh + Infernal Behemoh .50
Glad I would never meet this Josh in a dark alley!
Next up, The Girl at .50
Josh + The Girl 4 .50
You can definitely tell who the influence is! Even if you are not a fan of The Girl, if she is on sale, she does contribute nicely to a wider eyeset and forehead, etc.
GOOD HEAVENS DAZ, work on your stupid search engine! I typed in Girl, Girl 4, The Girl and nothing came up- I got Aiko 4, Victoria 4- I had to go in my product library and type girl 4 to get this link. Better go try and find MOMO now.
Coming up: Momo Head 85.1
Josh + 85.1 Momo For Aiko 5
Here you go! Josh mixed with this gal...
Coming Up: Jasmin 7.5- I want to do various Jasmin's because you'll see how a cartoon character can do quite nicely with a regular person, then cranking up the morphs to go cartoon.
Josh + Jasmin 7.5
So Jasmin makes her entrance, booting out Momo. Next up, she gets increased to 20.2
As I mentioned, this shows you how a cartoon character can add to a normal person. Of course, you see her input was only 7.5 but it's a nice way to (usually) increase the eye size.
Josh + Jasmin 20.2
And Jasmin upped to 20.2. If you keep increasing, the eyes get much bigger and wider, and also the head. Let's move on to another female- Azumi.
Josh + 50.3 Azumi For Aiko
So here's Azumi- EDIT: The more I look at this one, the more "I don't trust you!" comes to mind. That seems to be what he is thinking!
We saw Jasmin, let's hit the fellas up for their morph donations. How about her boyfriend, Jason, at 14.5. Coming up! Below is Azumi.
Here you go so far. If you are wondering who is who, the first one is Josh.
Now, before I tell you who is who, see which character YOU like best. They DO go in order that we did them, but don't cheat! Select who you like first (the behemoh is pretty obvious, lol) then I'll tell you in the next post.
Before we continue, here's the answers. I like Jasmin 7.5% the best! (And I didn't cheat.) So I picked the dude with the gal input! I liked the bigger eyes. Really like Freak 4 (first one) too. Again, click to enlarge. Remember, when I'm done, I will be creating a character out of all these combined.
Next is the Jason.
Josh + 14.5% Jason
And Jason morph pops in to say Happy Saturday, hope you're enjoying the morph marathon! He's at 14.5% and coming up will be 35.3%
Jason For Genesis:
Josh + 35.3% Jason
So here is Jason with a bit more "oomph." Next up? Hiro 4!
EDIT: I hope you are noticing how the light is changing. I am NOT moving any lights. That's why it's important to get your character morphed before you do the light setup you adore. You change the character, the lights will be different. WAAAAY different in some cases.
Josh + .25 Hiro 4
Hiro 4 adds his presence, and will be increased to .50 next post.